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Talented Hairess A Rose with Thorns Novel novel Chapter 14

Chapter 14 

The car arrived at Jubilife Research Institute 30 minutes later

Yvette’s long and slender legs stepped out of the car 

Someone had long been waiting for Yvette at the research institute’s entrance. The older man lit up once he saw Yvette, who was like a savior to him. Then, he sprinted to her, You’re here, Yvie! Gosh, you finally made it. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you?” 

Yvette spoke blandly. Take me inside and show mo.” 

On it. Right this way, Yvie!replied the man

Against his expectations, Samuel watched as Yvette didn’t get chased away, Instead, the man welcomed her into the research institute with the utmost respect. It shocked him so much that he couldn’t help dropping his law

bir dest 

He remarked, Mr. Quinn, that’s Bamabus Zabel, the research institute’s highly esteemed senior faculty member. He’s a pretty big e Anyone would have been shocked to see a renowned senior researcher behave so respectfully toward on average lady like Yvette 

Wilson’s eyes narrowed as he let out a low chuckle. It seemed he had underestimated Yvette

Should Tran a background check on her, Mr. Quinn?Samuel was still concerned by the station 

out a second thought

No need,Wilson rejected without

He knew Yvette well enough. She would ignore him forever if she found out he was investigating her in secret. Besides, Wilson had plenty of time to wait until Yvette confided in him

Outside the laboratory, Yvette had already put on her coat and mask, Only her striking eyes were visible to others

She soon followed Barnabus into the laboratory 

#vie, the chip has suffered great damage, and you’re the only one who can repair itsaid Barnabus

Wette’s gaze settled on the broken chip atop the laboratory table. A frown marred her fare. Let me handle it. Everyone may leave.” 

Alright. Everyone, out! I don’t want anyone disrupting Yvie’s locus!and one shouldn’t be interrupted during the process 

mabus know it was an exceedingly difficult task to repair the chip

Understood, sar!All the research staff obediently left to stand guard outside the laboratory. They held their breaths while watching Yvette work through the glass panel

Seconds and minutes passed as their admiration for Yvette grew 

It was already two hours later when Yvette came out from the laboratory, She removed her laboratory coat and massaged the spot between her brows

You must’ve had such a hard time, Yvie!A considerate Bamabus approached to hand her a small carton of milk, and he had even put in the 

straw for her 

Yvette accepted the milk, took a sip, and spoke with her usual lazy tone. I’ve repaired the damaged parts of the chip. You may resume your 


That’s great!The weight on Bamabus shoulders finally eased. Then, he beened at Yvette. Our research institution can’t operate without you, Yvie! How about this? Do you want to 

No.Yvette knew what he was going to suggest but rejected him ruthlessly and quickly. She had no plans to take en apprentices since she was too busy 

Gosh. Don’t be in such a hurry to refuse, YvieBamabus drew his brows close while pouting pitifully

Yvette arched a browbefore lazily reminding him of something. Mr. Zabel, your phone is ringing.” 

Oh, you’re right!” 

Yvette slipped away while Barnabus answered the video call. She had long gone when the latter realized what had happened

Oh, what a shame! She got away again!Bamabus sighed before turning to speak with the man on the video call. Kid, that’s the incredible young lady I’m always telling you about,” 

Jan Mary, who was on the other end of that call, thought about the side profile of the young lady he noticed through the camera. He didn’t know why, but she seemed oddly familiar

At the same time, he was more so surprised. The lady seemed younger than him, yet his mentor, Harnabas, sang countless praises about her 

for being outstanding

tan, I heard you’re retuming to the country soon. Is that right?Barnabus asked

Upon hearing that, lan snapped out of his thoughts and nodded. Yes, Sir. My family recovered my longlost sister, so I must return home.” 

That’s great news!Bamabus nodded with a smile. What good timing. You should hurry back to Jubilife City, so I can introduce you to the young lady!! 

Alright, Sir.|

Over here.A familiar voice rang out once Yvette 

the exited the research institute

Yvette looked ahead and saw Wilson standing beneath a street lamp. A smile was plastered across his devilishly charming face, making him Irresistible 

A rare expression of shock crossed Yvette’s face. She had been in the laboratory for two hours, yet Wilson still waited for her

Wilson glanced at the milk carton in Yvette’s hands and silently committed it to memory. Then, he smirked at her. It’s time you made good on your promise and buy me a meal.” 

Yvette happened to be hungry, too. So, she agreed without hesitation. Sure.” 


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