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Tangled in his Obsession novel Chapter 291

The tenant in this building is a distant relative of Keeley's.

Ever since his parents passed away, Keeley lost touch with most of his relatives, except for a few he still occasionally connects with. He would've practically forgotten these people even existed if it weren't for Seraphina tracking them down.

After tagging along with Seraphina visiting several relatives, he finally got the gist of what she was trying to find out.

It wasn't about him she wanted to know, but his parents.

This answer caught Keeley off guard, but with Seraphina meeting so many people and asking essentially the same questions within two days, her objective was crystal clear.

She inquired everyone about his parents' life, including their living conditions, workplaces, relationships, as well as an arson case.

Regarding the arson case, Seraphina didn't dig in too deep, merely asking if they'd heard his parents mention it.

However, all the relatives Keeley visited gave the same answer: they hadn't heard of it.

As for what the case was about, when and where it happened, and who was involved, they knew nothing.

But according to Seraphina, her looking into these matters had nothing to do with Keeley. She'd lost interest in him and was more intrigued by the people behind him.

But how could the people behind him possibly have any connection with his parents and an arson case?

Leaving his relative's house, Keeley pondered for a while before heading to a friend's house who was once close with his parents.

Seraphina hadn't been here yet, but when Keeley asked the friend about the arson case using Seraphina's line of questioning, he seemed to have some recollection.

"Now that you mention it, I kinda remember. It was not long before your parents' accident." He said, "Your parents seemed to have seen the fire and mentioned it when they came to work the next day. But no one knew how serious the fire was at the time. It was only reported in the news after your parents' accident, three or four people died in that accident. It was a big deal."

Upon receiving this information, Keeley immediately left for the Sunburst Serenity Library.

He first looked up the case online and got a rough idea of the arson case from some early web pages. Then he went to the library's newspaper archive room to find various reports about the case at the time.

The case was initially classified as malicious arson or even murder, but in the end, it had no resolution, and no one was prosecuted or sentenced for it.

After going through these materials, Keeley left the library and went straight to Carney Artful Reverie.

But when he arrived, he was told Seraphina was not there.


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