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Tangled in his Obsession novel Chapter 369

When Seraphina heard this, her first reaction was to argue back.

But when she was about to speak, she paused and just quietly looked at Andrea, seeming a bit out of it.

Andrea slightly tilted her head and asked, "Isn't it true?"

Is it true?

Isn't it true?

After she went back to her room, Seraphina thought about this for a long time.

She had never really thought about her feelings for Leandro before.

Leandro had always been around her. They spent all day together, and she never had time to think, nor did she dare to.

She was afraid that if she thought about it too much, Grandpa Reynolds would see through her.

Yes, since the cancellation of their wedding to its rescheduling, she never thought about anything else. The only thing she thought about was Grandpa Reynolds.

At first, it was Grandpa Reynolds wanted her to marry Leandro, so she agreed.

Then, Grandpa Reynolds found out that she was only engaged to Leandro to make him happy, so he let her cancel the wedding and live freely.

But after the wedding was canceled, even though her grandfather always appeared pleased in front of her, he still unintentionally revealed his regret and sighs.

She thought that maybe her grandfather would only be happy if she really married Leandro.

So, after Betty's affair was exposed, she saw Leandro's same heartbroken and guilty emotions, and she forgave him.

After forgiving him, she put the past behind her and became Leandro's bride again.

After the wedding, she devotedly played the role of Leandro's wife, Mrs. Reynolds, in public and in private, she was a satisfied Mrs. Reynolds.

Leandro always put her first, he spoiled her, and she accepted all of his kindness with peace in her heart, just to be a loving couple with him.

In this world, some things can only be lied about if you can lie to yourself first.

She knew this very well.

If she was happy, if Leandro was happy, then Grandpa Reynolds would be happy.

So she put her heart and soul into the role of Mrs. Reynolds, trying to make Leandro happy as well.

In this way, if her grandfather was happy, she was happy, and everyone would be happy.

As for other things, she never really thought about them.

From the beginning to the end, she only managed this marriage with this goal in mind. So when Andrea said that she had started to put Leandro first, she instinctively wanted to argue back.

But when she wanted to say something, she couldn't.

Because when she tried to bring up other reasons, she couldn't find any.

In fact, she could say that everything she did was to not affect the Reynolds family, to not upset Grandpa Reynolds .

But the truth was, when she made this decision, she didn't consider Grandpa Reynolds at all.

Over the years, Grandpa Reynolds had weathered countless storms, he wouldn't be unable to handle such a small blow.

So from beginning to end, the only person she considered was Leandro.

She only considered whether he would be troubled by this, whether he would be anxious, or whether he would be in a difficult situation.

Perhaps she could say that she was too invested, so invested that she lost herself.

Maybe her expectations for this marriage had unconsciously become blurred...

Late at night, Sunburst City.

When Bowen returned to his apartment in the city center, Tania was sitting on the sofa with a cold expression on her beautiful face.

The apartment was very quiet, without the sound of a TV or music, and there was no sign of her usual favorite champagne.

The unusual atmosphere naturally made him alert, but Bowen still remained calm, slowly closed the door, and then smiled at Tania, "What happened?"


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