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Tangled in his Obsession novel Chapter 399

At that night, time seemed to stretch on endlessly.

Seraphina dozed off for a bit, and when she woke up, she found herself alone in the bed.

The lamp by the bed was dimmed to its lowest setting, casting the room in near darkness. There was clearly no one else in the room.

Rubbing her eyes, Seraphina reached for her phone to check the time: it was already half past two in the morning.

Could it be that Leandro was still working at this hour?

After lying in bed for a bit without any sign of Leandro's return, Seraphina finally got up and put on her robe.

Just as she was stepping out of their bedroom, she saw Karan coming up the stairs, carrying a steaming plate of pasta.

Just as she suspected, the light was still on in Leandro's study.

Seeing Seraphina, Karan was slightly surprised, then broke into a smile. "Having trouble sleeping without Leandro by your side?"

Seraphina just glanced at the plate of pasta in Karan's hands. "He asked you to cook him pasta at this hour? Isn't that a bit demanding?"

"No, no," Karan hurriedly explained. "I couldn't sleep, and when I saw him working, I asked him if he had eaten anything for dinner. The answer was no. Considering his stomach wasn't well, I thought I'd cook him some pasta."

Hearing this, Seraphina's expression softened slightly.

Karan then handed her the bowl of pasta. "Since you're up, you can take this to him. Make sure he eats it all. Young as he is, he still needs to take care of his health."

Seraphina took the plate, nodded, and headed for Leandro's study.

Pushing the door open, she found Leandro still deep in his work, not even looking up at the sound of the door opening.

Seraphina moved closer, placing the pasta next to him.

Perhaps it was the atmosphere, or perhaps it was her familiar scent, but Leandro suddenly looked up at her.

"Why are you awake?" he asked.

Seraphina didn't answer, just leaned in to peek at the pile of documents in front of him.

"Are you really that busy?" she asked. "Shouldn't all this work have been done during the day?"

Leandro simply replied, "Some other things came up."

Seraphina gave him a knowing look.

She knew that work always came first for Leandro, and the only things that could disrupt his work were the Reynolds family matters. But she and their son Valerio hadn't caused any trouble, and there didn't seem to be any issues with Gloria either...

Seraphina had a feeling that something was weighing on him.

But she didn't say anything, just glanced at the pasta. "I want some too."

Leandro gave her a quick glance, then put down his work and left the room.

In a little while, he came back with a fork.

They shared the pasta, Seraphina taking a small portion of pasta, leaving the rest for Leandro.

In the quiet early hours of the morning, the two of them, after an intimate encounter, sat in the study, sharing a plate of warm pasta.

After slowly finishing her portion of pasta, Seraphina looked at Leandro.

"Karan asked me to make sure you finish all of it, so her effort won't go to waste," she said.

Leandro didn't say much, just quietly ate the pasta.

Perhaps Seraphina was watching him too intently, he eventually turned to look at her. "Do you want to ask me something?"

Seraphina paused for a moment, then slowly shook her head. "No."

"Are you sure?"

Seraphina shrugged innocently. "Really, I'm just here to make sure you eat your pasta."


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