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Tangled in his Obsession novel Chapter 428

Leonard suddenly furrowed his brows, "Leandro, we're all trying to do what's best here. How can you speak to your elders like that?"

"If you're here to express your opinions, well, I've heard them," Leandro responded, "You may leave now." With that, he stood up, preparing to ascend the staircase.

"Leandro!" Leonard also rose, saying, "In the past, you called the shots at home and in the company. Everyone listened to you. But with the current economic climate and family troubles, if you continue to act so independently, you risk ruining the entire Reynolds family."

Leandro slowly stopped in his tracks, turning to look at Leonard, "And who, in your opinion, should be in control to prevent the Reynolds family from falling apart?"

"I don't want to take your place!" Leonard retorted, "I just think you can't make all decisions on your own!"

Nanette, seeing an argument brewing between the uncle and nephew, quickly moved to sit next to Conway. "Dad, you need to talk to Leandro..."

As soon as she said it, all eyes fell on Conway.

Conway and Leandro exchanged looks before Conway slowly spoke, "Eight years ago, I personally handed over the Reynolds Group and this family to Leandro. So far, his stewardship has been commendable. I have nothing negative to say."

"Dad!" Nanette's face slightly changed, "So you think he should handle his mother in the same way?"

Conway heavily tapped his cane on the floor, replying in a deep voice, "I've said it before. Since I handed this family over to Leandro, he makes the decisions. If anyone is dissatisfied with that, then they can choose to no longer be part of the Reynolds family!"

With that, Conway also rose, leaning on his cane as he made his way upstairs.

Leandro reached out to assist Conway, slowly climbing the stairs with him.

The living room was left with Leonard and his sisters, each lost in their own thoughts, exchanging glances.

Once they reached the second floor, Conway spoke in a low voice, "Did you see what they're thinking?"

At this, Leandro chuckled lightly, replying, "Once the company stabilized, the true intentions of some began to reveal themselves... I saw this coming a long time ago."

Although the Reynolds Group had grown significantly since he took over, it was still a large family with many people, especially elders. It was impossible for them to accept him, a younger member, holding all the power.

The fact that this situation had only arisen now was actually later than he had anticipated.

Unfortunately for them, their attempts to usurp him were far from successful given the current state of the company.

"You don't need to get upset over this," Leandro reassured, "I'll handle it."

Conway simply grunted in response, then added, "Right now, this isn't the most important issue. The main concern is your mother, Sera and Valerio—"

"I know," Leandro responded, before falling silent.

After escorting Conway to his room, Leandro made his way to Valerio's room.

Upon opening the door, he found Valerio sitting cross-legged on the bed, a pile of toys in front of him that had previously excited him. However, his face now betrayed no hint of excitement.

Seraphina was trying to engage him with the toys, but he remained uninterested.

"What's wrong?" Leandro asked as he walked in and sat at the edge of the bed, picking up a children's book, "Didn't you like these toys just a while ago?"

Seraphina chuckled softly, "He heard some noise from downstairs and thought it was an argument. It scared him a little."


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