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Tangled in his Obsession novel Chapter 432

Seraphina instantly snapped back to reality, her gaze sharp as she locked eyes with Herman. "Andrea?" she asked.

"I don't know," Herman shrugged, a hint of confusion in his voice. "She says it wasn't her."

In truth, that fateful night, he had staggered out of the private room, using the last shred of his sanity to avoid the prying eyes. Beyond that, his memory was a blur.

When he finally came to, he found himself lying on a bed in one of the club's private rooms.

He didn't know what they had slipped into his drink. Slowly regaining consciousness, his body felt incredibly heavy and his head throbbed with pain.

He didn't know what he had done, or where he was. All he could recall was a voice echoing in his ears, "In the dead of night, gazing at the stars alone, the stars remain constant every night, shining brightly..."

That song played on repeat, starting and stopping, haunting him. He desperately wanted to open his eyes and see where he was, why this one song kept playing over and over again.

Until a woman's voice suddenly replaced the voice from the song.

Through his haze, he heard the woman speaking, as if on a phone call. But he couldn't make out the words, nor could he muster the strength to open his eyes and take a closer look, before slipping back into a heavy sleep.

When he awoke again, it was afternoon and the room was bathed in sunlight... mixed with the scent of debauchery.

He was alone in the room, his clothes and shoes scattered across the floor.

Pulling back the covers, the white sheets were speckled with stains of blood red, a silent testament to the forgotten events of the night before.

In that instant, he realized what he had done, and a cold sweat broke out across his back.

He had been intimate with a girl, the specifics of whose identity were unknown to him.

After that day, he went to great lengths to find out who the girl was but to no avail.

It was as if she had appeared for just one night in his life and then vanished without a trace.

All that remained was that song, "By the silence of the night, gazing at stars so bright, unchanged they shine each night, their glow forever in sight..."

Perhaps the song had played too many times during his moments of confusion, but it deeply imprinted itself in his mind. He grew to like the song, playing it for years.

The day Andrea had a reaction to the song in his car, he hadn't made any connection. To him, Andrea had always been a calculating and scheming woman, so he couldn't comprehend linking her to the girl from that night.

Later, when he discovered Andrea used the song as her ringtone, he asked her about it. She said she had heard it in his car and liked it, so she set it as her ringtone.

At the time, he even felt a twinge of anger, thinking such a woman didn't deserve to use this song as her ringtone.

Until that day in Valerio's hospital room when he saw her again.

Seeing her so close to Seraphina and Valerio, even Conway and Leandro didn't seem to mind her presence, he grew suspicious of her cunning.

He offered to accompany her to buy fruit, trying to probe deeper into this woman's intentions.

But Andrea was so indifferent to him. Whatever he asked, she replied with the most straightforward answers, not a word more.

When her phone rang again in the market, Herman heard that familiar song once more.

His irritation flared—this woman still used that song as her ringtone!


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