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Tangled in his Obsession novel Chapter 450

At six in the morning, the hospital's quiet halls echoed the soft footsteps of departing visitors, leaving only Seraphina, Bruce, Celeste, and Keen in the small lounge adjacent to the ward where Leandro lay motionless.

Keen, noticing that both Seraphina and Bruce had stayed up all night, had gone downstairs early to fetch some sandwiches and hot coffee.

The lounge, situated directly across from Leandro's room, offered a clear view through the hallway and the twin panes of glass that separated them. Seraphina sat perched by the window, her gaze fixed on the still form of Leandro across the way.

Handing out the food, Keen passed a sandwich to Bruce, who then glanced at Seraphina and called out, "Sera, come grab something to eat."

It took a moment for Seraphina to pull herself away from the view, but she eventually turned and took a sip of the steaming coffee Bruce handed her.

Throughout the night, Bruce hadn’t uttered a single question about Gloria, as if his entire universe had narrowed down to the figure lying in the hospital bed.

Taking a sip of her coffee, Seraphina finally spoke in a low voice, "Are you mad at me?"

Bruce, realizing what she was referring to, paused before replying, "Everything you did was out of concern for Leandro. How could I be mad at you? Besides, if anyone's to blame, it's me. What right do I have to be mad at anyone?"

Before Seraphina could respond, Celeste interjected, "Big brother, you've made enough messes over the years with your flings. It's time for some serious self-reflection."

Bruce simply closed his eyes and let out a weary sigh.

"If you can, go see her," Seraphina suggested. "Talk to her about Leandro... Even though Herman will surely keep her informed, hearing it from you might give her some peace."

"Don't blame her?" Bruce asked.

"I do," Seraphina admitted, "but in the end, she's a pitiable figure too."

After this exchange, Seraphina looked at Bruce, seemingly waiting for his reply.

After a moment of silence, Bruce nodded, "Alright. Once Leandro wakes up, I'll go see her."

Seraphina nodded in acknowledgement and then turned to Keen, "Keen, could you head over to Reynolds Manor for me?"

"Sure," Keen responded promptly. "What do you need?"

"Comfort Valerio," she said. "Bring him a few books and a couple of model kits."

Valerio was already disappointed not having seen Leandro yesterday. If he missed her today as well, it would undoubtedly affect his mood. But considering Leandro's current state, she dared not let Valerio see him just yet and decided to delay it a little longer.

"And what about Conway?" Keen couldn't help but ask.

With such a significant incident, they could keep Valerio in the dark, but Conway would be another story.

Seraphina knew this all too well and replied, "Just give Grandpa a brief update. Don't make it sound too grave; we don't want to upset him. If he insists on coming to the hospital, have his secretary bring him. Leandro should be waking up soon anyway..."

Keen nodded in understanding and left the hospital shortly after.

Bruce, hearing Seraphina handle so many concerns, felt a twinge of guilt and suggested, "Why don't you get some rest? You've been up all night. Sleep for a while, and I'll wake you when Leandro comes around."

Seraphina shook her head with a faint smile, "One night of worry is nothing. Leandro has been carrying these burdens for years, and he's made it through, hasn't he?"

After hearing this, Bruce sighed again and looked away.

Seraphina had barely finished her coffee when she saw the lead doctor gesturing to her from the other side of the glass.


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