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Tangled in his Obsession novel Chapter 477

However, Seraphina's blackout was momentary.

At least when consciousness began to seep back in, she only felt the sensation of being carried down a staircase.

Her ears, still ringing from the blast, struggled to process sounds as she slowly opened her eyes to see three burly bodyguards attempting to regain their footing on the stairs, each one moving as if through molasses.

Next thing she knew, she was being hustled out of the building and thrown into a car parked at the curb.

Her head spun, the only coherent thought in her dazed mind—thank goodness.

Thank goodness it was only a stun grenade, designed to disorient and deafen temporarily, not to inflict real harm.

She and the bodyguards were alive, and that was something to be grateful for.

Pinned in the back seat of the car, it took some time before Seraphina's senses fully returned.

Besides the driver, there were two others—one in the passenger seat and one beside her.

No one spoke; the car was silent except for the sound of breathing.

It wasn't until much later that Seraphina managed to croak out, "Who are you guys?"

No answer came.

Taking a deep breath, she continued, "What's all this for? Money, or is it personal?"

Silence persisted.

Seraphina couldn't help but chuckle, saying, "Come on, fellas, you don't have to be so icy. I'm already in your hands. You might as well clue me in. Who have I crossed? Why am I suffering?"

"Just keep quiet and you'll be fine," the man beside her finally said, "Make a fuss, and you'll only make things worse for yourself."

"Can you at least let me sit up?" Seraphina was still sprawled in the back seat. "Sitting like this, I'm getting carsick. I'm about to throw up."

At this, the man let out a snort of derision, "Go ahead and vomit all you want. After all, you might not get many more chances to do so."

Seraphina felt a chill run down her spine at his words. From this exchange, it was clear these men were not after money—if they were, they wouldn't be so indifferent to her condition.

And the man's remark about "not getting many more chances" seemed to imply they were after her life. But why should she give up her life so easily?


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