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Tangled in his Obsession novel Chapter 498

After returning to Sunburst City, Seraphina seemed to momentarily cast aside the chaotic events of the past and devoted herself wholeheartedly to the preparations for her upcoming art exhibit.

As the holiday season approached, everyone was busy with their own affairs, and for a while, it seemed as though no one came to bother Seraphina. However, Simon had someone deliver two paintings to the Carney Artful Reverie, claiming they were donations.

In reality, Carney Artful Reverie was no charity organization; it was a fully commercialized art gallery. Donations were a concept quite alien to its usual business dealings.

The gallery staff were puzzled and waited for Seraphina to return and make a decision.

Upon hearing that the paintings were from Simon, Seraphina intended to send them back unopened. But when she unwrapped the paintings, to her surprise, they were masterpieces from well-known modern artists!

Everyone in the gallery was astounded.

After seeing the paintings, Seraphina changed her mind and accepted them. With these treasures, Carney Artful Reverie's status in the art world would soar even higher—a fitting reward for the owner of the gallery.

Seraphina immediately made space and hung the paintings in a prominent spot for people to admire, drawing crowds to the gallery.

However, the benefactor of the paintings did not show up for a long time. Then, on the eve of the big holiday, Seraphina encountered Bowen outside the gallery.

Despite the holiday's approach and the Master's art exhibit opening on the fifteenth of the new year, Seraphina was swamped with work and stayed in the gallery until late. When she stepped outside, she unexpectedly noticed a car parked by the curb, its engine running in the freezing cold with the window cracked open. Bowen, lounged in the passenger seat, legs propped on the dashboard, a cigarette dangling from a hand resting outside—reclined in ultimate laziness. Yet Seraphina immediately saw his hand- it was frozen to blue.

Bowen seemed oblivious to the world, staring blankly into the distance.

Seraphina had intended to ignore him, but Bowen noticed her movement. He quickly got out of the car. Dressed in a black suit with his tie loosened and the first few buttons of his shirt undone, his hair slightly disheveled and his eyes bloodshot with the stench of alcohol—it was clear he had just left a dinner party. The Martins' son-in-law, with his family's rising influence, was inevitably caught up in the season's whirlwind of social gatherings.

"It's quite a surprise to see you here," Seraphina greeted him with a light smile. But Bowen's gaze was fixed on her, intense and searching. "Where is she?"

At the sound of his question, Seraphina laughed softly before looking at him directly. "How much did you drink to come here looking for a fight?"

After Bowen and Tania's wedding, Seraphina had run into him occasionally, but he never mentioned Sandra in public or private. It seemed as though he had completely moved on, forgotten her entirely.

Yet today, inebriated, he had come straight to her with this direct inquiry.

"Where is she?" Bowen's patience wore thin with Seraphina's evasive demeanor. He reached out and grasped her wrist firmly, demanding an answer.

Abbot, Seraphina's bodyguard, was about to step in, but she signaled him to hold back, letting Bowen blow off his steam.

"You want to know?" Seraphina asked with a cold laugh. "What will you offer in exchange?"

Bowen held her gaze before suddenly smiling coldly. "You think I don't know what you want? Aren't you the noble journalist, the crusader for justice? I have plenty of material you'd kill for. Just tell me where she is, and it's yours. How about that?"


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