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Tangled in his Obsession novel Chapter 65

An hour later, Seraphina, accompanied by Sandra and a lawyer, walked into the police station.

They spent over two hours there, and by the time they came out, a swarm of reporters who caught wind of the news had already gathered at the entrance of the station.

Whether it was entertainment reporters, social news reporters, financial reporters, or social media reporters, they all hoped to get the scoop on this incident—

After all, it involved Leandro, an influential figure in Sunburst City. Seraphina was found to have spent a night with him in the morning, and then she walked into the police station in the afternoon. How could such a turn of events not spark people's curiosity?

When they left, the road in front of the police station was almost blocked by reporters. It wasn't until the police intervened that Sandra's car was able to leave.

Seraphina occupied the passenger seat, heaving a sigh as she took in the scene of unyielding reporters outside the vehicle. Sandra, at the wheel, glanced towards her, her expression slightly stiff.

Catching Sandra's look, Seraphina turned her head and flashed a smile, asking, "What's on your mind?"

"Why didn't you just get Leandro arrested?" Sandra's question came out, cool and crisp.

Leaning back comfortably into her seat, Seraphina responded unhurriedly, "What else was I supposed to do? When it comes down to it, I chose to collaborate with him last night."

Upon hearing this, Sandra gritted her teeth, "You didn't really want to!"

"That's why I won't just let him get away with it." Seraphina stated.

Sandra huffed, "You really think these reporters can shake Leandro?"

"Of course not." Seraphina slowly curved her lips into a smile, "But I do want him to know, I'm not a pushover."


Sandra drove Seraphina around the city for a while, not dropping her off at her small apartment until it got dark.

A recognizable Lincoln car was stationed at the base of the apartment building. Seeing it, Sandra's face tightened, "I'll accompany you upstairs."

Laughing off her concern, Seraphina responded, "If you tag along, I won't be able to have a genuine discussion with him."


"Don't worry." Seraphina turned her gaze towards the Lincoln, "If he dares to harm me over this, he's not the Balch I know."

With those words, she exited their vehicle.

As Seraphina made her way towards the apartment, the door of the black Lincoln swung open, and out stepped Balch, clad in a sleek black suit.

Sandra watched him from the car, and Balch glanced back at Sandra before slowly walking towards the apartment.

When Balch arrived at the door, Seraphina was fumbling with the lock.

Frustrated with her failed attempts to open the door, she gave it a rare kick.

Balch stepped forward to help, but Seraphina moved her hand away and turned her head.

Balch took the keys from her, and after a few turns, managed to unlock the door.

Seraphina paused for a moment, then turned around and walked into the apartment. She was about to close the door when she saw Balch standing there and hesitated.

She went inside, and Balch followed, closing the door behind him.

"Why didn't you tell me you moved back?" Balch turned on the lights and asked gently.

Seraphina sat on the sofa, silent for a moment before finally saying, "I left the keys at the entrance. I won't be coming back."

Hearing this, Balch pulled up a chair from the dining table and sat down, lit a cigarette, and slowly started to talk, "Then you should at least tell me what I did wrong?"

"Your mistake… was getting involved with a woman like me." Seraphina said, "You've experienced firsthand that there's no benefit to being with me. It only brings you negative press and endless trouble."


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