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Tangled in his Obsession novel Chapter 92

Herman was like, "Well, look who's here. You too?"

Leandro loosened his tie and sat down. "You off already?"

Herman mused a bit, then decided to stick around.

Victor couldn't help but chuckle at Leandro. "Man, you've got some pull. Edgar begged Herman to stay, but he wouldn't budge. Now you're here, and he's all ears."

Leandro took a sip of his wine. "You'll know when it's time to know. No use asking."

Edgar shot him a look. "You seem pretty pleased with yourself. Balch's in hot water, and there’s no rival. Enjoying the show?"

Victor gave a light laugh. "That'd be my guess."

"Enough," Herman interjected. "Balch's no competition for Leandro."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Edgar demanded. "We saw with our own eyes that Seraphina moved into Balch's place, right next door to Leandro's. Bold move for a woman, don't you think?"

"Not just bold," Herman added.

He trailed off, and Edgar gave him a nudge. "Well, don't just leave us hanging."

"Do you guys know who leaked that story online?" Herman asked.

Leandro just sipped his wine, not reacting.

"No way!" The others were visibly shocked and couldn't believe it.

Herman nodded.

Edgar shivered at the thought, and Victor looked at Leandro.

Leandro lit a cigarette and turned to Herman. "So, she spilled the beans. You’ve got a problem with that?"

"From a legal standpoint, no." Herman replied. "But she seems cold."

"Agreed," Edgar chimed in. "Balch even took a knife for her that night. He must really care for her. And she just turns around and rats him out? I'd be scared shitless if I had a woman like that."

"She's not just cold; she's cool as a cucumber," Herman added. "She knew what she was doing from the start."

Edgar took a sharp breath, then nudged Leandro. "You heard him, right? Cut ties with her ASAP. She's still your fiancee, and if she turns on you, you won't even know what hit you!"

Victor, lounging on the couch, glanced at Leandro and slowly started to smile. "I remember Seraphina being nothing like this when we were kids. She was a gentle, shy girl who barely dared to speak to anyone. Who knew she'd turn out so decisive?"

Leandro sat quietly, Victor's words stirring up old memories.

To him, Seraphina, before she turned seventeen, was just a pretty, shy, and endearing little girl who lived with the Reynolds family. She was fun to tease and get to talk to.

Things changed when he realized she had feelings for him.

She was still a shy and beautiful girl, but in front of him, she showed courage like he'd never seen before.

She would wait for him late into the night, just to catch a glimpse of him.

She would approach him when he was home, just to catch his attention.

She would sneak into his room when he came home drunk, looking after him all night.

Their relationship became complicated, even tangled, and she gave him all her love.


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