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Tattooed Luna novel (Kristen and Alec) novel Chapter 543

“Woman…” Alec shook his head but looked at me just like I pictured. “You need to stop trying to die on me. Do you know what it’s like to watch your mate lifeless under your arms? You take a piece of me with you every time this happens.”

“I didn’t try to go in the water. I tried to get out.” I felt bad he went through this but it wasn’t like I put myself in that position.

“I know. Look at the bruises that are forming on your arms.”

Pulling the blanket to the side, my arm slipped out from under the heated blanket. Deep purple bruises were forming on my arms. There was multiple spots where my arms hit the edge of the ice. “Oh.”

There was a soft knock on the door a moment before the nurse looked in. “How are you feeling?” She asked. Walking in, she had a medical boot and clothes with her.

“Ready to go home.”

“I bet. Let me take the I.V. out. I have a wheel chair for you. As much as you probably don’t want it, you body is still not functioning property. Until you get back to a normal temp, be careful holding babies, anything breakable or doing anything strenuous. You will probably be sore tomorrow but again, your wolf will heal you. If I may, take a hot shower and body heat is the best way to keep your body tempature where it needs to be.”

She had pulled the I.V out and put a bandage over it. “Sounds good.” I said as I tried to sit up. She was right, I was incredibly weak.

“I don’t have anything warmer than scrubs.” The nurse frowned. “Did you still have the blanket you brought her in?” She asked Alec.

“Yeah, I’ll have them bring it.” Alec sighed as he helped me sit up. Together, they got me dressed and the nurse but on the boot.

“Can you carry her to the wheelchair?” The nurse asked as she helped me swing my legs around.


“Gently.” I said as my body protested

“Still think you are up for sex?” Alec asked in the mind-link.

“Of course. I’ll just lay there and you can do all the work.” I said as he placed me in the wheelchair. It was just outside the room so I saw Jasper walk up with the blanket.

“Damn, luna. You look like shit.” He joked.

Alec growled and I laughed. Which hurt. “Even half dead, I look better than you.”

“Luna?” The nurse asked, she took a step back and looked at Alec. “What pack are you from?”

“Black Moon Pack.” Alec said.

“I should have recognized your names. I’m part of Alpha Jace’s pack.”

“Little far from home, aren’t you?” Alec asked.

“I am. I am part of a traveling nursing program. It was a pleasure to meet you both. I hope next time I see you it isn’t in the hosptial.” She bowed and started to walk away.


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