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The Adorable Twin’s Sticky Daddy novel Chapter 103

"Don't worry, I can walk on my own," said Charles with a wicked smile.

To prove his point that he could walk by himself, he took a few steps forward.

He really could walk on his own. It was hardly noticeable that he had been hurt unless one would look at him carefully.

"Then why are you being so sentimental just now?" Nancy whined while complaining.

"Can I not pretend to be like a spoiled child in front of my woman? Would you like me to act like this in front of other women?" Having said that, Charles leaned towards her seductively and asked in a gentle voice, "Would it really not bother you if I do that?"

Nancy felt annoyed and said, "I won't be bothered at all. Of course you can do what you want."

With a knowing smile, Charles turned around to leave and walked towards the door. Upon reaching it, he said, "Woman, you are definitely a liar."

Nancy's face suddenly flushed red with embarrassment.

In the meeting where the bidding was held,

the CEOs from the leading companies of this city had arrived.

Up until now, Charles actually paid no attention to that land in the south of the city. His interest was only piqued this morning because of the call he received from Jay. He found out that Caspar and Fannie were very much interested in it because they planned to build a splendid neighborhood in that area.

Jay reckoned that it would be a good chance for him to get even with them and destroy the Ning family once and for all.

Charles pondered about it for a while before he asked Jay to come pick him up.

He surmised the right time had come to teach those two evil women, Jill and Fannie, a lesson they would never forget.

Early in the morning, Jay brought Nadia with him to Doris' place and they reached her doorstep together.

As early as it was, Doris was still sleeping.

Suddenly, she was awakened by the loud knock on the door.

"Who's there?" she asked grumpily. 'It could be none other than the person who comes to collect the rent. Who could otherwise be so barbaric as to knock so loudly at this hour?' she thought in bewilderment as she walked to open the door, dressed only in her pajamas.

However, she got a surprise when she opened the door. She saw Jay instead, lazily leaning against the door while he was looking at her with a sneer on his face.

Without bothering to say anything, she tried to close the door.

"Hey, don't close the door! I brought a child with me. Don't you want to see her?" His arm was holding the door, preventing it from closing. Doris could not do anything but glare at him menacingly because she could not close the gap.

"Jay, you're a fast worker! How were you able to get a girlfriend in such a short time and even got a child so quickly? Not that it has nothing to do with me, though. I am not your mother, so please don't bother me. It is not my obligation to help you raise your child."

'Alas, it is true that a leopard cannot change its spots, just like this woman,' Jay thought.

'Whenever she opens her mouth, nothing but sharp words come out of it.'

"Doris, tell me honestly. Does your baby really have nothing to do with me?'¹ Jay asked after a while. All the questions he had boiled to just one sentence.

Doris shifted her gaze down to her belly and said, "Are you out of your mind, Jay? I am not the least bothered by what happened the last time. Regarding my baby, it is none of your concern. I don't have the time and energy to quarrel with you and I'd rather sleep now. Will you leave on your own, or should I call the police and get them to throw you out?"

"Alright, alright, I give in. Doris, you win!" Speechless and out of words, Jay quickly turned around. As he was about to leave, Nadia stepped out and appeared in front of Doris.

"Aunt Doris.” It wasn't Nadia's intention to hide herself, but Jay asked her to stand behind him and not show herself.

"Nadia, you are here?" Thinking of the words she had just spoken out, Doris felt her cheeks turn red from humiliation. What she said a while ago was very inappropriate for a child as young as Nadia to hear. She felt so embarrassed and asked, "Jay, why is Nadia with you?"

"Can you babysit her and take care of her today? It's Saturday and Nadia can't go to kindergarten. I have no choice but to leave her with you. After I finish with my work, I will come back to pick her up." Having said what he wanted, Jay blew a kiss on Nadia's forehead. "Nadia, say goodbye to Uncle Jay." "Goodbye, godfather. See you in a while." Nadia blew him a kiss in return.

Jay could not help himself and winked at Doris to tease her. "Nadia's godmother, Nadia's godfather is about to leave."

Doris couldn't help but shake like a leaf. She felt this damned Jay was flirting with her again intentionally.

"Fuck off! Who are you calling Nadia's godmother?" Before she could stop herself, she uttered unreasonable words in a fit of anger.

"You!" Jay and Nadia both said in agreement at the same time.

In an outburst, Doris slammed the door hard and reproached herself. Then she asked Nadia, "What did you say?"


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