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The Adorable Twin’s Sticky Daddy novel Chapter 139

"Someone just doesn't want our Dorothy to have a happy life!" Sherry clearly knew that Nancy was the only reason why her daughter couldn't be with Charles.

That woman was just on their way, and that was why Sherry detested Nancy so much.

Meanwhile, Drew was tired of listening to her wife rant. So instead, he just diverted his attention to the young boy. "Bobby, this is a limited edition transformer. I had someone buy this abroad just for you! I hope you'll like it,"

he excitingly said, taking out the big toy and handing it over to Bobby.

However, the kid brushed off the toy and threw it on the floor while showing the least interest. "I don't want your toys, and I don't want to see you! You should leave now. II

"Bobby, don't be so rude! They are our guests," reprimanded Frederic, furrowing his brows and pretending to be angry.

"They are not guests. They are bad guys who stole my mommy away from me. Now, she won't come back because of them. I hate these people!" The boy cried with so much contempt that his face was utterly red. He even threw the pillows, toys, and other things he could get his hands on to Drew and Sherry.

"Well, if you're finished, you can leave now. Bobby needs to rest," Charles said coldly, not even minding how his son just acted in front of their guests.

"Alright, let's go back first. We'll come and visit you some other day, Bobby." Drew was outrightly embarrassed. They initially planned to gain the kid's favor, but their plan went south.

Drew and Sherry bid their goodbye immediately, even though they weren't sure if coming back anytime soon would be a great idea.

Meanwhile, Nancy walked out of Bobby's room, hoping that his hand would recover soon.

She couldn't take care of him forever, and the longer she stayed in this house, the more she got tormented.

Nancy could no longer bear Joseph's badgering and Dorothy's condescending remarks. If it weren't for Bobby, she wouldn't even come here in the first place.

Only a fool would march into a dragon's lair, knowing full well that she was unarmed.

But then, it was not the time to ponder too much about her indiscretion. She had too much on her plates and letting the Fu family bug her, even more, wouldn't do any good.

So after making sure that Nadia was okay through a phone call, Nancy spent her free time taking a walk in the garden. She had to free her mind and relax while her adversaries comfortably lurked inside that mansion.

And the spacious garden, filled with exotic plants and flowers, was more than enough to soothe her. Even by looking at it, Nancy could tell that the entire area was well tended to by landscape artists and gardeners.

A vast spruce forest was even cultivated at the end of the garden.

Attracted and curious, Nancy strode over there, not minding if the place somehow appeared haunted.

To her surprise, she saw an old woman suddenly rush into the villa.

Although her face was hidden, her stooped figure looked familiar to Nancy.

'Who could that be?' she thought inquisitively, following the lady's tracks.

Then, as she kept a close trace on her, Nancy cautiously saw the old woman go up to the second floor and straight to Angelina's room.

In the quite long time she spent in this household, she had already known many servants of the Fu family. But never did she meet or even see this strange old woman.

When she got on the door, it was already shut, so she stuck her ears against it, hoping to at least listen to whatever was going on inside.

And lucky for her, a faint sound of conversation came through.

"Madam, what can I do for you?" A frail voice resounded.

"It's Bobby. He has been asking for her real mother lately. I am bothered by his constant quarrels, so I want to ask where his real mom is." This time, Angelina's helpless tone echoed.

"Madam, I haven't heard from her in the last five or six years. You know I left the Fu family and lived in the countryside after the baby was born. I can't even remember her appearance now. So how would I even know where she is?" the old lady answered with a hint of resignation in her voice.

"No photos of her?" Angelina was unwilling to give up. She had to find the woman no matter what, or else Bobby would never stop bugging her.

"I was afraid that she would come back looking for Bobby, so I didn't leave any photos of her. Should I go back and look for her photos?"

"Yes. I'll ask the driver you take you," replied Angelina after thinking for a while.

"Yes. But what do you want her to do once you find her?"

"I'll ask her to be a servant in our house, so Bobby would eventually forget Nancy."

"Nancy..." the old woman uttered the name as if trying to recall someone. Her widened eyes illustrated how stunned she was at the mere mention of that name.

"Well, let's not talk about Nancy. Just go and find Bobby's real mother," Angelina said impatiently, dismissing the mysterious woman at once.

"Okay, I'm on it."

Before they could even catch her eavesdropping, Nancy immediately left to hide in her own bedroom.

However, she left a tiny gap on the door to see the unidentified face of the lady.

Even with that space, she couldn't catch a glimpse of her as the latter hurried down, leaving no trace at all.

'Who the hell is this old woman? Why does she look so familiar?'

Nancy bombarded herself with those questions, obviously intrigued as to what her real identity was.


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