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The Adorable Twin’s Sticky Daddy novel Chapter 148

"Where are the kids?" Doris asked tossing a blueberry into her mouth.

"Hiram is picking them up," Nancy simply answered. Then, surveying her from head to foot, she asked, "Have you met your parents-in-law?"

"Yeah! I was so nervous! I finally understand how you felt when you met Charles' parents. Rich people are just too intimidating. I don't think I can ever live with them!" Doris shook her head aggressively as if recalling a nightmare that had frightened her to death.

"I agree," Nancy uttered, nodding with a smile.

"That's why I need time to think about my relationship with Jay." Doris sounded mellow as she spoke that. It was as though she was left with no choice. "Why did you..." she tried asking Nancy but paused upon realizing who was with her. Then Doris sneaked a glance at Charles and continued, "Why did you come with Charles? Where is Jerome? Do you break up with him?"

Nancy shook her head and replied with a pout, "I didn't want to come here! This man dragged me forcibly!"

"These bad men are too self-centered and never care about others' feelings! They are all too proud of their family background. Well, I have seen through them now. Their families are just like a bird's cage. Once we enter, we will be trapped for the rest of our lives!"

"You're lying. You say rich and powerful families are like birdcages, but it was your own choice to get involved with them! They never forced you to get in!" Suddenly a familiar voice rang behind them.

Both Nancy and Doris were startled to see Lucy and Dorothy standing proudly with their scrutinizing eyes.

As Doris was about to refute them, Nancy hurriedly grabbed her hand and stopped her, "Don't do that. It's not worth it.¹'

So, instead, Doris just pierced them with her sharpest stare while her nostrils flared in anger.

"Well, what else can you do except stare at us? Your dress is not even worth a thousand! What makes you so proud to snort?" Lucy's voice was filled with such hubris and pride, obviously looking down on those two women.

"So what? My clothes may be cheap, but unlike you, my body is priceless!" Doris finally snapped. Looking at their judgmental faces hit the last straw of her patience.

"Oh my god! How can you be so rude?! No wonder you're from such a poor family background!" Lucy continued to mock, increasing her volume so that people around would hear her.

"Doris, don't say anything!" Nancy stalled, aware that Lucy was provoking her friend to stir trouble.

Meanwhile, Doris's face was blood red. Her fists were tightly grasped while her brows knitted aggressively.

She was so fuming mad that she had to bite her lips to stop herself from lashing out. This was not the right time and place to make a scene.

But even though she merely stood still, the cunning Lucy deliberately pushed herself on the ground.

"What are you doing?" 'She's such a pyscho!' Doris thought, staring down at the crazy woman.

"What are you doing? Why did you push Lucy?" Suddenly, Dorothy pointed her finger at Doris, accusing the latter of inflicting violence on her friend.

"Shit! You crazy bitches! How could you be so shameless?!" At this moment, Doris already knew what they were up to. They were really that desperate, huh?

"Help! Help! This woman is bullying us!" Dorothy exclaimed at the top of her lungs while pretending to come to Lucy's aid.

Moments later, people began to flock around them, covering their mouths with their hands in utter shock. Their eyes intently shifted on Doris with so much accusation.

'Tm sorry. This is just a misunderstanding." Nancy smiled as she was trying to smooth things over. It was not the perfect day to stir a ruckus in public, not when they were faced with two women from influential families.

"Ouch! My foot hurts!" Lucy cried out, even holding her ankle to amp the nonexistent throbbing pain.

Raising her head, Doris turned away and meaningfully muttered, "Such a good actress!"

Nancy smiled faintly and softly said, "Miss Xia, Doris and I haven't moved a bit. You fell over by accident."

She tried to give her a way out, aware that the security cameras around would reveal otherwise. So if these two women insisted on creating trouble, she would not hesitate to check the footage for proof.

However, little did Nancy know, those cunning women had already broken the camera before making a fuss.

"What do you mean, Miss Ning? I know you and Miss He are good friends, but you can't frame me like this! I fell down myself? Am I crazy? It's you who pushed me down. My feet...Ahhh!!! " Lucy continued her dramatic acting and cried in pain.

Suddenly, Eire came over and asked in disbelief, "What the hell is going on?"

He was hosting the gathering today, and they all had come as guests. If anything terrible happened while a lot of eyes were watching, the whole Fang family would be totally embarrassed.

"I don't know." Doris was so stubborn that she was unwilling to give in. After all, she wouldn't admit to something she didn't do.

"Well, Mr. Eric, we really don't know much about the details. If you really want to figure it out, you might as well check the surveillance video," Nancy interrupted in a good temper, confident that she had proof to back what really happened.

"Check the surveillance video!" the patriarch ordered his butler coldly with a straight face.


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