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The Adorable Twin’s Sticky Daddy novel Chapter 164

Charles came home to a house deprived of Nancy's presence.

And as he cooked his dinner, the latter was having fun in a bar without him knowing.

It was her birthday today, so she asked Doris to celebrate and have fun with her. After all, that was what all celebrants deserved on their day.

"What's wrong? You look unhappy," asked Doris as she took a sip on her drink. The evident silence, coupled with Nancy's tightly knitted brows, gave away her troubled feelings.

Sighing, the latter answered, 'Tm just annoyed at Charles. He's been cold to me for a while now."

"Ha-ha! Just find a handsome guy to provoke him. You know he always gets jealous over simple things." Apparently, for Doris, that didn't seem quite a reason to be sad. In fact, the way she snorted showcased how childish she thought Charles was.

"Are you telling me to seduce another man?" Nancy rolled her eyes at her.

"Ha-ha! What's the matter? You want to wait for men to woo you?" Doris teased, narrowing her with while sporting a confident smug.

During the college years, Nancy was quite famous. In fact, her character was so dominant that she used to chase after handsome classmates without minding her own image.

And because of that, Doris gave her the nickname, "Female Rogue."

The latter didn't mind and even stated with pride, 'Ten enjoying the thrill and excitement that come with it!"

"Humph! Really now? I think you just like being dumped by handsome men."

This time, Doris seemed to have struck a nerve on her. So, grinding her teeth with resentment, Nancy retorted, "For your information, I dumped them!"

Even though she said that with utter confidence, Doris was still surprised by the hint of determination in her tone.

Trying to hide her smile, she put her hand on Nancy's shoulder and asked, "Come on now! Each one of our classmates said those men dumped you! Stop pretending. I'm not gonna judge you!" "I..." Nancy tried to speak but then hesitated.

"Oh, what's wrong?! Can't think of any excuse?" Doris taunted. At this point, she couldn't refrain herself from flashing the grin on her lips.

"Nonsense! That's impossible! Those men are all bastards. We would only date for a couple of days, and they already wanted to score with me!" Nancy snapped with a disdainful look on her face.

"Are you trying to tell me that even after dating so many guys back in college, you're still a virgin?" The tone of disbelief was so indisputable that Doris almost choked on her drink.

In fact, it was so evident that even Nancy caught her condescending voice. So, enraged, she grabbed her ear and twitched it before uttering, "Bitch! Who do you think I am? In case you didn't know, I'm a very conservative woman. And I would never be persuaded into sleeping with men just because they ushered me with some sweet words." "Okay...okay! No need to be too defensive. Alright, you're a VIRGIN MARY! You happy?"

Doris answered, wincing in pain. She obviously emphasized the 'Virgin Mary' to appease her aggravated friend. "Ahuh, that's right! You bet yourself!" Nancy murmured and let go of Doris' ear.

"But seriously, Nancy. Are you sick or something? Do you need me to accompany you to a hospital?” Once freed from Nancy's hold, Doris continued teasing her again—much like friends usually do.

"Fuck off!" Expanding her eyes, Nancy raised her hand and pretended to hit her.

"Don't worry, Nancy. It's not just you! I heard a lot of women go through that too! Besides, how can you dislike a man you have feelings for just because he touched you? It's normal; it's simple biology! No need to be so shy about it."

"Doris, you're really imaginative. Men don't take the initiative around me, I do!" Nancy punched her biceps, but Doris dodged it.

"Nancy, why are you so mad? If you're that confident, why don't you let a man prove it?" the latter tested her friend.

"Fine! I swear I'll have sex with a man within a year just to stick it to your face. Humph!"

Doris' taunting remarks miraculously worked on Nancy as the latter tried to salvage her morale.

In fact, the former just baited her into saying it, and now Doris would always bring it up whenever they quarreled.

And because the pressure was getting into her head, Nancy decided to prove it once and for all.

Not daring to find an acquaintance, she went to a club and found a male prostitute.

However, when she was about to take off her clothes and do her business, the man suddenly broke winds. "Fuck off! You are such a bummer!" Nancy cursed in utter disgust.


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