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The Adorable Twin’s Sticky Daddy novel Chapter 54

Nancy stood there and smiled, somewhat awkwardly.

"Mommy, I miss you so much." With that proclamation, Bobby threw himself into Nancy with no regard. His arms wrapped around her knees and he sat on her feet.

Nancy picked him up, kissed him on each of his chubby cheeks, and whispered, "I miss you, too." She was afraid to show to let on exactly how much, but her heart stung and she snuggled him in closer for a second. Hopefully, he got the message in her extra tight hold.

"My daddy said that Grandma is going through menopause, and that we should be extra patient with her. So, try to be nice, okay, Mommy?" Bobby looked up at Nancy with his big, round eyes and his father looked down and coughed to hide a laugh. Bobby whispered more nonsense in Nancy's ear, while she held him.

Nancy just smiled and humored him silently.

It was then that Angelina decided the interaction had lasted too long and become too intimate for her taste, so she snorted to bring the attention back to her.

Nancy carefully placed Bobby back on the ground and patted his head before she turned and walked towards Angelina. She spoke in a soft voice, like someone would speak if trying to calm a wild animal, "Ma'am, can I have a look at your injury? I know my specialty is pediatrics, but I am still a surgeon."

Angelina stubbornly crossed her arms over her chest and looked away, murmuring under her breath, "I have a perfectly good doctor at home, thank you." It was quite apparent that she meant she did not want Nancy in particular to check her.

Nancy had expected this and said, with a tight smile, "Mrs. Fu, as a doctor, I just want to remind you that your wound is serious and it is critical that you change the dressing as frequently as directed. Your face is beautiful. If you'd like to keep it that way, listen to the advice of a doctor, or you may scar. That is your choice. I can assure you that I am knowledgeable about wounds as a doctor and surgeon. I graduated top of my class from Harvard. I think this makes me more qualified in dealing with your wound than even your private doctor at home. Knowing all of this, I ask you one last time, would you like me to have a look at your injury?"

Nancy purposely kept her tone throughout calm and detached, but assertive.

If there was anything she had learned over the years, it was that self-confidence came from an inner poise and strength. She tried to pour that into this conversation instead of melting under the older woman's glares.

"Mommy, you're the best!" Bobby chimed in, oblivious to the tension between the two women. Nancy took solace in little Bobby's admiration. It stood in stark contrast to Angelina's opinion of her.

Charles, Bobby's father, had been mostly silent during this exchange and now cast a glance at her, echoing his son's admiration.

He found Nancy's confidence and persistence alluring, even in this difficult exchange.

Angelina was stunned into silence. She was no longer focused on her wound, but the cold way Nancy had addressed her. Mrs. Fu, instead of aunt.

Angelina worried that she was being too harsh on Nancy. Besides, even though she was in her fifties, she was still afraid of a scar marring her beauty. This wound was large and in charge in the front of her forehead.

Angelina finally turned around and looked at Nancy.

Besides, she didn't want to lose her imposing manner if it gave her the upper hand in this unwelcome relationship. She declared coldly, "If this wound leaves a scar, I will blame you."

Nancy shrugged, knowing she'd won a minor battle, and smiled. She tried to keep the smugness out of her voice as she clarified, "Mrs. Fu, I haven't even checked your wound yet. I cannot promise you anything, but I do feel I am your best shot at this point." Nancy bent down and said in a very soft, kind voice, "Mrs. Fu, don't be nervous. Please. Let me check it. I will be gentle."

Bobby was one step ahead and hurriedly brought the medicine box for her as she said this. "Here you are, Mommy," he proudly announced as he handed the box over to her.

"Thank you, sweet boy," Nancy said with a genuine smile directed at Bobby. Nancy opened it, took out disposable gloves and donned them before touching Angelina.

Seeing Bobby and Nancy speaking so intimately again made Angelina's forehead twitch inadvertently. "Ouch!"

Nancy continued towards Angelina's forehead with another shrug, "Mrs. Fu, if you keep your face still, you won't cause yourself so much pain."

Angelina's expression immediately froze. She was careful to not move her forehead at all as she finally muttered, "Nancy, call me auntie. It's awkward when you call me Mrs. Fu and you know it." She was quick to clarify, "That doesn't mean that I like you though. I just don't want things to be quite so awkward. Understand?"

Nancy smiled, "Yes, I understand." She too tried to school her face into an expressionless mask as she celebrated internally another small win.

Nancy slowly peeled the gauze back to assess the wound.

The delay in treatment had allowed the blood on Angelina's wound to coagulate and harden. There was now a fine layer of scabs. Nancy took the alcohol and disinfected the cut again, hoping to soften and clean the hard layer.

"I know this part stings a little, Auntie, but hang in there. Are you doing alright so far?" she said with a slight smile.

"Yes," Angelina choked out, determined to remain stoic with Nancy touching her. Angelina closed her eyes to hide the pain pulsing through them.

Nancy gently handled the bloodied wound. It was deeper than she had expected. "I’m not going to lie to you. It is not well stitched. It may open, scar, or even get infected if we leave it how it is. Would you like me to re-stitch it, Auntie?"

Angelina hesitated. It had been excruciating when the doctor stitched her wound the first time and she was not excited to repeat that with Nancy. It was why she had held off thus far.


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