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The Adorable Twin’s Sticky Daddy novel Chapter 634

What Doris said made Nancy so angry that she almost cried. She shouldn't have answered her call, because she just made her feel even worse instead of comforting her!

With gritted teeth, Nancy replied, "Doris, whether you believe it or not, I don't like Charles anymore!"

"I believe that you can abandon Charles, but the consequence is the same as that he abandons you. You can't find a place to cry with yourself in your arms!" After saying that, Doris laughed gloatingly.

"Doris, do you think I am so incompetent?" The reason why Nancy didn't give up her career was to prove to the world that she was not only with Charles because of his family's power, money, status, and so on.

But it seemed like she still wouldn't be able to escape being called a gold-digger in the end.

This was simply an insult to Nancy, wasn't it?

"It's not that you are incompetent. You just don't see the reality. A woman's ultimate career is to take good care of her husband and children at home."

"Well, I see. You only called me to let me know that you're on Charles' side, and you're working together to make me give up my beloved profession. Don't say anything, Doris. We are done from now on." As soon as she finished her words, Nancy hung up and threw the phone on the sofa. She still couldn't believe that her best friend didn't help her escape. Instead, she was even happy that Charles imprisoned her.

"Hello, Nancy, I'm doing this for your own good. Why can't you tell the difference between good and bad?" Doris shouted at the phone, but Nancy already ended the call.

Maybe it was because her voice was too loud that Ace cried in fear.

With a scowl on his face, Jay rushed out and shouted, "What are you yelling at, Doris? You scared Ace."

"I... Nancy made me angry." In a hurry, Doris entered the bedroom and took Ace out from his crib.

"That's right. Nancy has gone too far. She even hugged Rick. No man can accept it, let alone Charles!" As he spoke, Jay kept pinching Ace's little face, which annoyed Doris.

"Stop pinching. What if you pinch Ace's face so hard that it droops?" The three of them were like dancing as she tried to dodge Jay's hand from pinching Ace's face.

When Jay got tired, he made a face at Ace and said, "Don't talk nonsense. Ace is like me. My skin is tight."

"He shouldn't be like you! Well, it's okay if he looks like you since you are handsome, but I hope he doesn't turn into a playboy like you. If he dares to mess with women everywhere, I will be miserable all my life!" Remembering what kind of man he was before made Doris roll her eyes.

"I've changed. Why do you always bring up the past? I'm not that person anymore." As a man who had changed his old ways for his beloved woman, Jay couldn't help but be angry every time she would say that he was a playboy.

"Haven't I told you that a leopard cannot change its spots? Jay, you always go out these days. Tell me, what happened? What have you been doing, huh?"

"It's about the company... Stop asking." To avoid any more questions, Jay walked towards the bathroom. "I'm going to take a shower. I've been busy all day and my clothes are dirty."

"I called Hanson today, and he said you weren't in the company. How dare you lie to me? You are a bad guy..." As soon as she heard that he was lying, Doris followed to hit him.

But before she could even reach him, he had already closed the door.

Inside the bathroom, Jay let out a heavy sigh.

It seemed like Doris would never stop being suspicious all her life. Did she have a gut feeling whenever something was happening? As for Hanson, why didn't he put in a good word for him?

How could Hanson tell her the truth that he hadn't been in the company?

If Doris found out that he had been to Su's residence, would he be killed?

After taking off his clothes, Jay turned on the shower head and looked up, letting the water fall on his face and body.

He made the water very cold, hoping that it would numb his emotions.

Even so, his heart was still beating fast.

'Eva Su, Eva Su... Why did you just wake up?'


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