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The Adorable Twin’s Sticky Daddy novel Chapter 66

"My daughter did nothing! Where are you taking her?" Jill yelled at Hiram with all her might, evidently losing her temper.

"She knows what she has done. Miss Ning, if you have anything to say, you can say it to our boss!"

After saying that, he winked at his subordinates, signaling them to carry out their movements.

In just a couple of seconds, Fannie was surrounded by several men in black.

"Don't touch me! I can walk myself!" Instead of letting these men see her tears streaming down her cheeks, she held her head high as she strode towards the car. After all, she clearly knew there was no way she could escape from them.

"Fannie, Nancy is a heartless and cruel woman. Keep your guard up and don't let her bully you again!" Jill cried as she spoke those reminders to her daughter.

"Shut up, or I'll slap your mouth!" Hiram lashed out, fed up with how thick-faced these mother and daughter were.

They were at twisting the truth and weaving a grand lie for their own favor. It was clear as day that they were pestering Nancy, but they still accused her of bullying them.

So, as Hiram's aggressive tone thundered, Jill knew she had to keep silent. She sat on the sofa and just kept mum the entire time.

She could do nothing but watch them helplessly as they surround her daughter like some criminal.

"You and your daughter disobey me. You know you will suffer a great loss sooner or later," Clark uttered as he stood from his wheelchair.

Grabbing a cup, Jill rushed to him.

"Don't be so mean to Fannie. It's all your good daughter's fault; she framed my daughter! If she dares to do anything to my daughter, I swear to God, I will kill her mother!" she declared with so much conviction that the veins on her neck almost popped.

By this time, Nancy had already finished her breakfast.

And after cleaning up, she changed her clothes and prepared to head downstairs.

"Good morning, aunt." Thinking of her embarrassing show last night, she awkwardly greeted Angelina.

"You scared us all to death last night. You're a woman, Nancy. Don't do such thing again,” Angelina uttered, glancing at her with a pair of examining eyes.

Her tone was very calm, and it was hard to tell whether she cared for her or blamed her for what happened.

'Tm sorry, aunt. I didn't mean to make you worry." Nancy's tone was very apologetic. Even she felt ashamed for what she did.

"No need to apologize anymore. Just promise not to do those things and make us worried again," replied Angelina.

Now that Angelina said that with a smile, Charles confirmed that his mother honestly cared for Nancy, and it was a genuine concern—he could tell.

Although she would never express her real emotions and would always beat around the bush, his mother really now changed her attitude towards Nancy.

In fact, it seemed that she had softened to Nancy— much different from how she used to treat the latter before.

This was what Charles wanted to see most—both Nancy and his mother in a good relationship.

"Where are you going?" Charles asked right away, seeing Nancy striding on her way out.

'Tm going to work of course," she answered frankly, furrowing her brows slightly.

"I have asked for a leave on your behalf. You can stay at home today and have a rest," he informed flatly as if it wouldn't come as a shock to Nancy.

'He did what?! Damn! This man is really domineering!' she thought to herself, trying to contain the spark of surprise from showing on her face.

"Thank you for your kindness, but many patients are waiting for me. I have to go to work, or the president will be mad." Nancy proceeded to the hallway to change her shoes.

Meanwhile, Charles just shook his head and thought, 'What a silly woman!'

Tve invested in your hospital. Now I'm the boss, and your president has to listen to me. And as your boss. I'm commanding you to stay home and rest. If you don't listen to me, I can fire you at any time. It's up to you," Charles ordered with a cold face, shrugging his shoulder at his last remark. He was obviously using his power and authority to have Nancy stay at home today.

"You are so unreasonable!" Nancy was speechless and frankly, helpless at this moment.

Charles uttered the word "home," but this place was not her home.

"Oh, you two! Stop bickering! Nancy, just stay here!" Angelina interfered, unhappy with how the two acted early in the morning.


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