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The Adorable Twin’s Sticky Daddy novel Chapter 698

Seeing the look on her mother's face, Eva couldn't help but feel a little guilty. "Mom, if you feel uncomfortable, just forget it. Today is just an ordinary day. It doesn't matter how my birthday is celebrated."

"No, it's not like that. I'll call Jay right now.” Not wanting to disappoint her, Pam still called Jay even if she didn't want to.

As Pam expected, Jay agreed without hesitation. It was as if he would do anything she asked him to do because of his guilt.

On the other hand, Pam was uneasy. She was afraid that Eva still had feelings for Jay and that she would suffer in the end.

After all, it was impossible for Eva to win Jay back now. That man already had a family of his own.

Moreover, if Jay didn't have a wife or a child yet, would he even be able to accept Eva? It was impossible.

No one knew how miserable Pam felt as she thought of this.

Although her heart felt like it was being squeezed, she forced herself to calm down and ordered the servants to cook what Eva liked. Then she went back upstairs, only to find her daughter fixing herself in front of the mirror.

In order to cover up her paleness, Eva put on a little makeup on her face, which enhanced her beauty.

"Wow, you're so beautiful."

"Mom, you must me kidding me. I have been lying in bed for so long. How can I be beautiful?" Eva said with self-mockery.

"Jay will be here soon. Come on, I will help you sit in the wheelchair. Can you try to hold on with your strength?" After lying in bed for a long time, Eva's muscles naturally weakened, even though Pam massaged her every day. Therefore, she needed to exert a lot of effort just to sit.

"Of course I can. Mom, I want to sit in a wheelchair. I can do it. Don't worry about me." A bright smile appeared on Eva's face.

This made Pam want to cry.

But she tried her best to hold back her tears and helped Eva sit in the wheelchair.

Without saying a word, they got into the elevator and went downstairs.

As soon as they reached the living room, they heard the dogs barking as a car stopped in the courtyard.

"Is it Jay?" Excitement was written all over Eva's face when she thought of him.

On the contrary, Pam's face turned cold. She didn't want to see him at all, but she had no other choice but to fulfill Eva's wish. "Yes, I suppose so."

"Mom, hurry up. Don't let the dogs frighten Jay. What if he leaves? Please go out and open the door for him now."

Looking at the anxious look on her face, Pam had mixed emotions, but she could only agree to her.

"Okay." Today was Eva's birthday, so making her sad was the last thing Pam wanted to do.

With a sigh, she walked out of the living room and welcomed Jay who was coming in with a bunch of flowers in his arms.

It was a bouquet of lavenders, which were Eva's favorite flowers.

As she looked at the flowers, Pam felt a pang of pain in her heart.

"Mrs. Su..." Trembling in fear, Jay walked past the dogs and hurried to the corridor. But when he saw Pam, he became even more nervous.

"Well, it's not like I wanted you to come. It's just that Eva wanted to see you. I'm only doing this because it's her birthday. Do you understand?" Pam's eyes were filled with hatred when she looked at Jay.

"I understand." Afraid of meeting Pam's eyes, Jay lowered his head like a child who had done something wrong.

"You know what to say and what not to say, right?" Just like her eyes, Pam's words were also sharp, warning him not to do something that would break Eva's heart.

"I know, Mrs. Su. Don't worry. I won't hurt Eva. She's like a sister to me now, so I'll protect her. I won't tell her about the past. I just..." After letting out a heavy sigh, Jay continued, "I want to say sorry."

"It's useless to say that now. I'm not going to ask for too much. I just hope that you can make Eva happy. I only want to see her happy today. That's all. Tell me, can you do it?" The reason Pam didn't want Jay to visit Eva was that she was afraid Eva was still in love with him.


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