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The Adorable Twin’s Sticky Daddy novel Chapter 724

For a moment, Nana fell silent. She lowered her head and thought of what had happened recently.

The truth was, she had been completely awake after she was drugged last time.

But the past was so horrible that she didn't know how to face it, so she kept it to herself.

When she was finally ready to tell the truth, she told everything to Colten, including all the businesses Derrick had run.

That was why Colten took Derrick away. If there was no evidence, he wouldn't have dared.

"Well, I'm better now. How about you? Are you okay?"

The way Nana spoke made Nancy certain that she was completely awake now.

And it was a good thing.

Before Nancy replied, she put down the things she was holding first, and then she wiped the sweat that broke on her forehead. "Well, I'm fine. I won't work here anymore. You should take good care of yourself. By the way, where are you going once you get discharged from the hospital?"

Basically, Nana had lost contact with the outside world after she worked in the club for so many years, so Nancy didn't know who would help her after this. Although Nana was already free from the hell she had been, Nancy still couldn't stop worrying about her future.

"Don't worry about me. I have called my family. They will come to pick me up. As for the future, I think I will be fine. I will try hard to live well.'¹ Looking at the smile on Nana's face, Nancy felt a little relieved.

"Well, that's good. Anyway, here's my new contact number. You can contact me anytime you need help." Nancy gave her phone number to Nana.


"Then I'll go now." After taking a deep breath, Nancy stood up and picked up berthings.

"Okay. Thank you, Nancy." "Don't mention it, Nana. It's not like I did anything special."

Nancy flashed a reassuring smile. "Don't hesitate to call me when you need anything, okay?" Then she turned around to leave the room.

Although Nancy couldn't hear her anymore, Nana still muttered, "Okay."

The past was gone, and her nightmare was over. Now, she had the future to look forward to.

This was the freedom she had longed for, and she had to make the best out of it.

Meanwhile, Nancy's mind was in haywire while she was on her way to Charles' house. This time, she was really going to leave.

As for the children, she had no choice but to leave them to Charles. Since she had lost her job, she couldn't guarantee their future with her, and she couldn't provide the things Charles could.

As soon as she arrived, Nancy packed her things and wrote a note that said, "Charles, take good care of the kids. I'm leaving."

It was a simple sentence, but it contained too much reluctance. Every word she wrote was like a knife that pierced her heart, to the point where she had to look up to prevent her tears from falling.

After everything was settled, she quickly hailed a taxi and looked for a hotel.

Her apartment would be the first place Charles would go to, and she didn't want them to cross paths anymore. They couldn't be together, so it had to end here.

When Charles couldn't contact Nancy, he drove back home in a hurry. Her car was parked in the courtyard, so he breathed a sigh of relief. 'Fortunately, Nancy is still here.'

What he didn't know was that she left the car on purpose. "Nancy?"

The deafening silence welcomed him when he entered the house. Nancy wasn't there. All that was left of her was the note on the tea table.

After reading it, Charles was speechless for a while. Then he threw the paper away.

"Damn it!"

Soon, Nancy arrived at the hotel. She had nothing to do, so she checked her phone, only to see several invitations from different hospitals. All of them wanted her to be a pediatrician in their hospitals. The pay and welfare were good, but she didn't agree to anything yet, nor did she reject them. She just said that she had to think it over.

For now, what she wanted to do was rest for a period of time.

The things she had gone through recently had completely drained her, so she wanted to take a break.

Perhaps this was the reason why she slept the whole day in her hotel room.

On the contrary, Charles was in a mess.

Nancy had always been like a floating cloud to him, which he couldn't catch. To be honest, if he wanted to find Nancy now, he easily could. But what about his grandfather?

How could he ignore Frederic's feelings?


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