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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 17

Chapter 17 

The sun rose, shining brightly on the world.

The citizens woke up, got ready, and started a brand new day.

In the morning, the chairman’s office, the Celestial building.

"Mister Yates, something major went down last night."

A beautiful, sexy woman stood next to Alex, recounting what happened at the Xaviers’ auction yesterday.

"Trent Xavier kidnapped Thea and her family?"

Alex was stunned when he heard this.He followed up with, "Did Trent die in the end?"

"Yes, sir.

According to news sources, Trent was going to take the Callahans out before coming after Celestial.Before he could do anything to Thea Callahan, a man in a ghost mask appeared.He’s Warren Xavier’s murderer, and he killed Trent too."

Alex waved a hand.

"That’s enough."

His secretary left.

Alex smiled grimly, mumbling to himself, "Laying a finger on Thea is like courting death.What good is a deputy commander of the Western border? Even the Blithe King of the West has to yield to the Black Dragon."

Alex had never cared much about the Xaviers or the Callahans anyway.

At Common Clinic.

After a good night’s rest, Thea woke up.When she came to, a pair of strong hands was holding hers.She felt boneless and limp.She wanted to get up, but her face burned.She screamed.

James was holding Thea’s hands tightly, having fallen asleep at the side of the bed.

Thea’s shouts jolted him awake.

Anxiously, he said, "Darling, you’re awake?"

Hearing a familiar voice, Thea asked weakly, "Jamie, where am I?"

James replied, "You’re at Common Clinic.It belongs to a friend.Your family was in trouble yesterday.Everyone had been kidnapped.I was lucky enough to evade capture, quietly following them to Cansington Hotel.When I got there, I saw you lying on the road outside, so I brought you here."

James did not want Thea to learn his true identity.Thea was just a normal person.

If she found out, she would be greatly affected.

All he wanted was for Thea to experience a worry- free life.


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