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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 285

Chapter 285

No matter where one would get looked down upon with capabilities. 

Therefore, Scarlett prepared a lot of identity tags for James. James casually picked up a few and looked at them. (Name: James) 

[Position: Chairman of the Transgenerational Group] 

[Name: James ] 

[Position: Head of Security Department) 

(Name: James) 

[Position: General Manager of the Transgenerational Group) 

James found it funny after seeing all the identity tags. “What’s the point of all of these, Scarlett? Do you expect me to use all these to show off?” 

“James, I…” “It’s alright. I know you had good intentions. This account executive identity tag is enough. You can put away the rest.” “Alright.” 

Scarlett nodded and put away the identity tag. 

James did not stay in the Transgenerational Group for long and decided to leave soon. 

Outside Transgenerational Tower. He stood outside and could not help but be astonished by the countless professional people dressed neatly walking in and out of the building. He never imagined that he would embark on the road of business one day. 

He touched his nose and muttered, ‘Life sure is unpredictable.’ 

“What’re you being so sentimental about?” 

A voice sounded. 

James raised his head. Quincy had appeared in front of him while he was not paying attention. “What happened? You couldn’t find a job and have hit a wall?” Quincy crossed her arms and glanced at James. 

“Of course not.” James smiled as he took out his identity tag and shook it in front of Quincy. 

“Do you see it? I’m an executive,” James said proudly. Quincy saw it very clearly. 


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