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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 3929

A million years of agony and persistence… Who else apart from James could have put up with it? Naturally, James’ success was beyond their anticipation.

Stretching his joints, James looked at the bird, Yahveh, Jehudi, and Yehosheva, and said, “This isn’t considered a success. I have merely reactivated the potential of my physical body and its vitality. I’ve yet to reach the Fifth Stage of the Omniscience Path.“

”You’ve really got something, youngster.” The bird no longer took heed of the Light of Acme. It flew rapidly towards James and stabbed James’ face with its pointed beak.

James grabbed its tail and thrust the bird somewhere far away.

The bird absorbed the impact by turning around in a circular motion before flying back to James. It could not suppress its ecstasy as it chuckled, “Haha, now that you’ve reactivated the potential that was cut off prior to this, it’s not difficult to step into the Fifth Stage of the Omniscience Path. What’re you waiting for, youngster? Cultivate now. I’m still waiting for you to bring me out of this place.”

It stared at the Light of Acme above it. If James could reactivate his physical body’s potential, does that not mean it could do it too? At this point in time, he was tempted to also use to Light of Acme to train its body. Then it could reactivate its own potential and reach the Acmean Rank. However, once he was reminded of the fact that it took James a million years to achieve that, he lost all of the courage to do so. He could not withstand a million years of physical torture, so he gave up.

“C-Can the Light of Acme reactivate one’s potential?” Yahveh was confused as he looked at the vibrant colors of the Light of Acme.

James shook his head and replied, “I’m not entirely sure about this, because the first bone that was reactivated was a dragon bone. This dragon bone was something I got when I was still very weak. My physical body’s potential and vitality were only activated once the potential of the dragon bone spread across my body.”

“What kind of dragon bone?” The bird was confused.

James explained, “I heard it’s the Ancestral Dragon‘s Bone. When the Twelfth Universe was born, someone of the Dragon Race at the Caelum Ancestral God Rank left it behind.”

Hearing this, the bird rolled its eyes. “C’mon, who are you fooling? Your capability is not weaker than that of a Nine-Power Macrocosm Ancestral God. If even you cannot activate the potential of your physical body, how could a mere weakling of the Caelum Ancestral God Rank do that?”

“Urm…?” James was stupefied. “Maybe this dragon bone is not left behind by a Dragon who’s a Caelum Ancestral God?”

The bird nodded in agreement and said, “There’s a ninety percent possibility that that’s the case. Perhaps this bone was left behind by an Acmean and was prepared specifically for you to open up the Omniscience Path.”

The bird was hypothesizing blindly, but James did not want to care about what it said anymore. These questions could be answered by simply returning to the Twelfth Universe. For the time being, his priority was to comprehend the Omniscience Path and reach its Fifth Stage.

He waved his hand and revoked some of the Light of Acme in the sky, keeping them back in the Celestial Abode, and sat in a lotus position.

He already reached the Fourth Stage of the Omniscience Path anyways. The first three stages were obtained via cultivation, while Yukia arranged the Fourth.

The Omniscience Path was a unique combat form, so it was heavily related to one 's potential, vitality, aura, and physical strength.

James obtained a handful of supernatural arts in this space. Several of them were related to the Omniscience Path, which he had long comprehended.

Currently, he sat on the ground, stepping into the form of the Omniscience Path’s Fourth Stage. A faded white light enveloped every inch of his body, raising his energy and aura to their maximum.


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