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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 861

Chapter 861

Maxine sighed and shook her head exasperatedly. Then, she walked over to James and crouched down.

“Go away..”

James raised his arm and tried to swat her away. All he did was aggravate his injuries further and ended up coughing out more blood

The door slowly creaked open and Tobias walked into the room dressed in a suit.

“Grandpa.” Maxine raised a hand in greeting.

Tobias made a small nod of acknowledgment. He took a seat on a nearby chair and regarded James curled up in pain on the floor.

James righted himself with no small amount of difficulty and sat limply on the ground. This alone depleted so much of his stamina A coppery taste lingered in his mouth and his chapped lips were tinged red with blood.

When he saw Tobias. James’ face turned black. “Was it you who burned my home to the ground ten years ago?”

“Yes,” Tobias made no attempts to deny it.

“Kill you...His nonchalant response only enraged James further. James’ body stiffened as he tried to lunge for Tobias but could not find the strength to do so.

Tobias raised his hand, gesturing for James to stop. “Calm down, boy. Use those ears properly for once and listen to me.”

James’ eyes were bloodshot, and he had a murderous look on his face.

His entire family died in Tobias’ hands. No one would have faced such a painful and miserable end if it was not for the man who stood inches away from him.

“History is written by the victors. Had I been the one defeated ten years ago, I would be the one labeled as the traitor of the family instead. Perhaps my home would be the one burned to the ground all those years ago.”

Tobias mumbled softly.

“Thomas was a genius in martial arts who possessed tremendous potential. However, he chose to walk down the wrong path and was led astray. Not only did he steal the family’s treasure scroll, but he also turned against us.”

“Lies!” James’ nostrils flared as he spat in disgust.


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