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The Almighty Dragon General novel Chapter 958

Chapter 958


Scarlett nodded obediently.

Then, she asked, "By the way, have you found Quincy? I’m swamped with the company’s affairs.If she doesn’t come back to head the overall situation, I’m afraid it might be too much for me to handle alone."

Scarlett had no confidence that she could handle the situation properly.

Business was not her strong suit, and it was starting to be too much for her to manage.

Hearing this, James knit his brows as a complicated expression flickered over his face.

After a momentary silence, he replied, "I'll try my best to find her."

Thea was the only clue he had to find Quincy.

If he was correct, Thea knew Quincy’s whereabouts but refused to tell him because she was worried about him looking at another woman.

"Are there any other things you need me to handle? If not, I'll go ahead and hold the meeting first."

"No, it’s fine.You may leave."

James waved her away.

Suddenly, he remembered something and stopped her.

"Wait! Don't hold the meeting just yet.I suspect that Centennial Corporation has planted a mole in our company.We can’t expose our plan to them yet.Otherwise, we’ll be stuck having to defend against their attacks.Give me a list of the company’s upper Management employees.I’ll get someone to look into their backgrounds.After confirming everyone’s clean, only then will we proceed with our plan."

"Alright.I'll immediately arrange for someone to print out the list."

Scarlett hurried off to carry out his orders.

James did not leave instantly but remained inside the office.He was extremely concerned about money.

James thought for a long time and the only person he could think of that possibly had the money and would be willing to help him was Zane Dawn.

After a brief hesitation, he took out his phone and called Zane.

"Is something the matter, James?"

"M-Mr.Dawn, I...I would like to borrow some more money from you,"

James swallowed his pride and asked reservedly.

The voice on the other end of the phone went silent for a few seconds.

Moments later, Zane asked, "How much do you need this time?"

"As much as you’re able to spare."

“James, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, but I’ve already given you all the cash I have on hand.I don’t have much left to give you.The most I can manage is ten billion dollars.Any more and I'll have to resort to selling my property.It'll take time for me to gather the amount that you need."


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