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The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Chapter 20

In 20. Alphas meeting of The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel (Lauren and Darren) by Evelyn M.M., the gripping saga of Lauren and Darren continues to unfold with new twists and turns.

At The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Lauren and Darren 20. Alphas meeting As tensions escalate between Lauren and Darren, the once inseparable mates find themselves at odds with each other. Darren's allegiance to his fated mate creates a rift between them, leaving Lauren grappling with feelings of betrayal and abandonment. Meanwhile, Darren struggles to reconcile his duties as an alpha with his personal desires, torn between loyalty and love.

My drive home was quiet and reflective. I haven’t felt this peaceful in a very long time. I guess part of that peace was because I made a decision when it came to Iris.

I wasn’t even dreading the visit Grace said she would make soon. I was ready and eager to sign whatever documents that needed to be signed.

“I’m surprised. It’s the first time in a long time that you’ve made a selfless decision” Raya says, interrupting my thoughts.

She was staring at me lazily. Her head on her paws as she lay down. I choose not to answer her. Engaging with her always ends up with my feelings hurt and right now I didn’t want to ruin my good mood.

“Ignoring me won’t make me go away” she smirks.

Right now I wanted to smack that smile off her face. I’m still hurt and mad at her for the stunt she pulled when she refused to shift.

“I’m not ignoring you, just hoping you would go back to where you were hiding before” I replied through clenched teeth.

Every time I think about how she abandoned me to die, I feel like beating the ever loving shit out of her. Because, seriously, how could she?

“Don’t be like that” she mocks.

“Leave me alone Raya”

With that I push her to the back of my mind and block her. The last thing I hear is the echo of her devilish laugh.

I honestly don’t know what’s going on and how to help her. Maybe it was time to talk to someone about it. Her behavior is starting to get out of hand and I was afraid that it would one day put someone I care about in danger.

I enter the pack gates and park my car on the other side of the house. Reason being that there were about ten cars parked on the front and there wasn’t any more space.

Getting out of the car, I can’t help but wonder who our visitors were. I already knew one of them. I recognized Darren’s car. So maybe it was an Alphas meeting.

Darren, I haven’t spoken to him since the night the truth about Iris was revealed. He tried calling and texting but I ignored him. He even came once or twice asking for me but I asked Ren to make excuses for me. Just like with Raya, I was still hurt by his actions.

‘You’re being unfair. You’ve forgiven Bash and Ren so why can’t you forgive Darren?’ that annoying inner voice asks me.

A good question but I have no answer for it. I don’t understand why his reaction hurt me more than that of Ren and Sebastian. It just did.

Pushing those thoughts away I enter the house through the kitchen. Maybe after the meeting I could get a word with him.

No one was there so I head straight to my room. If there was a meeting then the others wouldn’t be around. So I could take a shower then head out to look for Ren and the kids. That is if Ren herself wasn’t part of the meeting.

I finish showering in record time then put on something more comfortable. I take my phone and leave the room.

Just as I was landing on the last step, the door to Sebastian’s office bursts open and Ren comes out in a rush. She suddenly halts when she sees me.

“I was about to look for you, come…the Alphas want to have a word with you”

“Me? Why?”

“Just come, this is something we can’t talk about here in the open”

With that she turns around and goes back to the office while expecting me to follow. I sigh and change my direction and follow her. It was better to get this over and done with.

The moment I step in, all eyes present turn to me. I count about seven Alphas including Sebastian and Darren. Being under their scrutiny makes me feel uncomfortable.

“Close the door behind you, Mayra” Sebastian orders and without wasting any time I do it.

I stand there awkwardly shifting from one foot to another while trying to avoid eye contact with Darren. I can feel his stare burning holes into my skull.

“Would all of you stop staring at her? You are making her uncomfortable” Ren snaps at them. They immediately avert their eyes, making me breathe easily.


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