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The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Chapter 23

In 23. Challenged of The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel (Lauren and Darren) by Evelyn M.M., the gripping saga of Lauren and Darren continues to unfold with new twists and turns.

At The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Lauren and Darren 23. Challenged As tensions escalate between Lauren and Darren, the once inseparable mates find themselves at odds with each other. Darren's allegiance to his fated mate creates a rift between them, leaving Lauren grappling with feelings of betrayal and abandonment. Meanwhile, Darren struggles to reconcile his duties as an alpha with his personal desires, torn between loyalty and love.

I woke up feeling well rested and fucked. My body ached in all the right places. I was sore but I didn’t mind that. It just proved how well Darren took care of me yesterday. I was held lovingly in his arms and as much as I wanted to stay in bed, I had to pee.

As gently as I could, I lifted his hands off my abdomen and got up. The minute my feet hit the floor, they wobbled a bit. I smiled at that because I never thought that it was possible to be fucked so well and thoroughly that you couldn’t walk.

After the first round, Darren promised that by the time he was done with me I wouldn’t walk straight. I didn’t believe him. I should have.

He and Kai had been insatiable taking me over and over. At one time Darren had allowed Kai to take charge and he fucked me in positions I never knew I could manage.

I continue smiling as I walked slowly towards the bathroom. The ache between my legs a reminder that I was now his. I still couldn't believe that I was now mated.

I always dreamed of this since I was a child. To have my mate. I forced those dreams down after my time in captivity because first of all my fated mate was in love with someone else and second because I thought I was damaged goods.

I guess the goddess didn’t hate me as much as I thought. I know that this was a proposal and there was a chance of it ending but his words yesterday. When he told me that once I was his he wasn’t planning on letting me go, gave me some kind of assurance.

“I can’t believe you let him mark you?” Raya screams at me.

I almost slip on the tiled bathroom floor from surprise. I wasn’t expecting her. In fact I had hoped that with Darren marking me, his mark would stabilize Raya even if it’s just a little.

“It was necessary” I say as I sit on the toilet bowl.

I wince as I pee. I needed a soak in the bathtub. Maybe that will help with the soreness.

After I finish my business, I get up and wash my hands. It’s then that I notice that I smelled like Darren. I know it’s normal given that we had sex and I spent the whole night in his arms, but this was different. It takes a few minutes but I’m hit with reality.

When he marked and mated me, he transferred some of his essence to me and vice versa. In simple words, he imprinted on me and combined our scents. Now everyone will know I was his, not just because of his mark but also because his scent was part of my own.

“It wasn’t necessary…just like always you thought about no one but yourself and took what you wanted”

Raya’s snarls bring me back to the present.

“I’m not even going to respond to that because I refuse to let you continue to put me down” I snap at her. “I’m done, Raya. If you want to continue wallowing in misery then be my fucking guest but I will not let you drag me down with you…I’m choosing to chase happiness so you can either support me or get the fuck out of my way”

With that, I block her. I was so tired of being punished by her. She only had the mental scars to show for our time in captivity while I had both the physical and emotional. I went through just as much as did and I wasn’t going to let her keep pulling me to hell with her.

Decision made, I leave the bathroom. My eyes immediately go to the handsome man on the bed. Darren was on his back, an arm thrown over his eyes and the sheets laying low on his hips. I could see the delicious V and the dark trail hair that pointed downwards.

Unable to help myself, I walk towards him. Holding my hair back, I kiss his forehead and then his lips. He mumbles something but doesn’t wake up.

When my stomach growls, I put on my clothes and leave the room after giving his peaceful face one last look.

I follow the smell of breakfast. I ignore the curious looks that Darren’s members give me and just nod at them in greeting. No one needed to ask who I was. I was sure they heard us and felt it when their Alpha marked me last night.

Getting to the kitchen, I find the omegas busy at work.

“Luna” they bow in respect.

Damn. That was going to take some time to get used to. Can’t believe I was now Darren’s mate and Luna.

“Uh, you can just call me Mayra” I tell them, smiling a little.

They smile back.

One of them, I think the head Omega turns to me. “What would you like to eat?”

“Anything that’s available. I’m really not that picky”

Being starved and held prisoner helps you appreciate food. There were times when we weren’t fed and other times the food given was so little that we had to fight each other just to get a portion.

“I see you are up and about…Congratulations by the way”

I turn to the sound of Brent’s voice and smile at him.

“Hey Brent…how are you and how are Claire and the kids?”

Apart from Ren, Claire and Lilly had come to mean a lot to me. They were the types of friends anyone would be lucky to have. They love fiercely and are loyal to the core.

He grins wide at the mention of his family. This always happens and this is what I had imagined my life being like. A mate that smiled stupidly when I or our children were mentioned.

“They’re good…they miss you a lot”

I make a mental note to visit them soon. I would have wanted to do a girls night out like we usually did but Ren wasn’t that far away from having her twins so Sebastian wouldn’t want her far away from him.

“I’ll go see them once I’m able to squeeze some free time”

“Sure thing…Luna” he says wink.

We talked while we ate but he didn’t stay long. He said he just came to drop some papers and to congratulate me on being their new Luna.

After he is gone, I sit and continue eating while I engage the omegas. Once I was done I turned to leave but bumped into someone.

“Sorry" I mutter looking up

The woman I bumped into sneers at me. Looking at me in disgust.

“So this is the woman our Alpha chose as a mate?” she asks her friends mockingly. “She’s hideous and weak there’s no way she’s our Luna…she must have put a spell on him or something”

They nod in agreement. Their arms folded across their chest.

I don’t say anything. Of course they couldn’t sense my aura because I had blocked Raya.


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