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The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Chapter 39

In 39. Making progress of The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel (Lauren and Darren) by Evelyn M.M., the gripping saga of Lauren and Darren continues to unfold with new twists and turns.

At The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Lauren and Darren 39. Making progress As tensions escalate between Lauren and Darren, the once inseparable mates find themselves at odds with each other. Darren's allegiance to his fated mate creates a rift between them, leaving Lauren grappling with feelings of betrayal and abandonment. Meanwhile, Darren struggles to reconcile his duties as an alpha with his personal desires, torn between loyalty and love.

He gently leads me into the house. His arms wrapped protectively around my waist. Without any words he guides me up the stairs and into our bedroom.

The moment we get there I get on the bed. The events that happened and staying up with Krystal already draining me. I look up at Sebastian expecting him to leave now that I was in bed but he doesn’t. Instead he comes and sits next to me.

“Does it hurt?” he asks, his fingers gently caressing my neck.

I knew without looking that I have bruises. The good thing about being a werewolf is that it would heal within a few hours. You are probably wondering, if that’s the case then why hasn’t Krystal’s wound healed already. That’s because she’s still a kid and she has yet to shift. We usually shift when we are around thirteen. That’s also when all the perks of being a wolf kick in.

“A bit” I reply, staring at his eyes.

I don’t know how his eyes always have this ability to draw me in. I could honestly drown in those green orbs.

His growl brings me back to the present. At first I thought he was angry because I was eyeing him up. But I soon realize it's because of what I had just said.

“It’s okay. It will heal like it never happened” I reassure him, grasping his hand in mine.

He looks at where I have touched him for a while, before gently shaking my hand off. If I am being honest. I’ll have to admit that his actions stung a little.

I fold my hands on my lap and look anywhere but at him.

“I’ll just get some rest. Could you get Monica to watch Krystal for a bit? She went to sleep a few minutes ago and I would appreciate it if someone was with her when she woke up” I say softly.

In a way I was dismissing him but it was for the best. I needed sleep and I needed to put my walls back up.

I couldn’t allow myself to fall for him because he would never love me back. No matter what, I didn’t deserve loving another man who didn’t love me back.

He nods his head and gets off the bed. “I’m really sorry that you got attacked in my own compound. First Krystal and now you. I promise it won’t fucking happen again.”

With that he leaves. Closing the door behind him. I slump against the bed before laying down.


The constant ringing of my phone wakes me up. I try to ignore it but it keeps on ringing. Frustrated, I open my eyes and pick it up from the bedside table.

Seeing Claire’s name flashing, I answer it.

“Oh goddess. Brent just told me what happened. I am really sorry. We honestly didn’t think that he would come and attack you”

From here rumbling I deduce that she was talking about Darren. I push the hair out of my face and sit up. Leaning against the headboard.

“It’s okay Claire…” I try to say but she cuts me off.

“No it’s not okay. We told him since you mentioned that he hasn’t been picking your calls. But we never imagined that he would come and attack you”

My hands automatically goes to my neck. It felt better now. It wasn’t burning like before. Thank the goddess for the quick healing. Otherwise it would be hard explaining how I got bruises on my neck.

I sigh when she continues to rumble. Pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration. If only she would allow me to talk then she would know that I don’t blame her at all. She shouldn’t feel responsible for Darren’s actions.

“Claire!” I shout finally having enough. “I want you to listen to me and listen well. It isn’t your fault. And you shouldn’t blame yourself because of that selfish prick. It all on him”

I hear her release a whoosh of breath before she speaks.

“Okay then if you say so…so how is Krystal doing?”

We fall into our normal conversation. I fill her in on Krystal’s progress and she tells me what has been going on her side. Including the fact that Darren’s parents are pissed at him for attacking me.

I make a mental note to go visit them soon. Darren and I have bad blood, but his parents always treated me like their daughter.

After talking for close to an hour. We say our goodbyes and hang up. Now that I was up it was impossible for me to go back to sleep. I get out of bed before going to check up on Krystal. She was still asleep.

I also check on Jax, since it was after school. When I don’t find him in his room, Monica informs me that he was at soccer practice.

I was just about to bake some cookies when Sebastian pops up in the kitchen.

“Do you mind setting the baking aside for a while? We need to talk” he tells me.

Since I had not even begun I agreed and followed him to his office. Once we get inside he closes the door behind him. I take a seat and he does the same.

“How’s your neck?” he begins. Concern swimming in the depth of his eyes.

“Good. Doesn’t hurt anymore”

He studies me for a while. An awkward silence descends on the room. I keep shifting in my chair. Unable to find a comfortable spot.

He clears his throat “That’s good” he pauses before continuing. “I need a clear picture of what happened today” he says his brows a little bit furrowed.


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