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The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Chapter 45

In 45. The monster inside. of The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel (Lauren and Darren) by Evelyn M.M., the gripping saga of Lauren and Darren continues to unfold with new twists and turns.

At The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Lauren and Darren 45. The monster inside. As tensions escalate between Lauren and Darren, the once inseparable mates find themselves at odds with each other. Darren's allegiance to his fated mate creates a rift between them, leaving Lauren grappling with feelings of betrayal and abandonment. Meanwhile, Darren struggles to reconcile his duties as an alpha with his personal desires, torn between loyalty and love.


Two weeks. That’s how long it’s been since I was arrested and brought here. Two weeks of hell. Two damn weeks of nothing but torture and pain.

Who knew there were so many ways of torturing a person? So many ways of bringing pain. So many ways to break them.

I have been electrified, stabbed, clawed, drowned, hit, whipped. Anything you can think of has been done to me.

My limbs are numb from being chained. My body is full of scars. It’s black and blue from the beatings I receive each day.

Each day I wake up wishing they would just kill me already. But I know mercy is not in their blood. Just like Sebastian told me, they wanted to see me suffer before they could finally execute me.

“Ren?” Blue calls tiredly

She is so weak that she’s barely holding her head up. I hate that she is going through this. That there’s nothing I can do to stop what is happening.

“Yeah” I reply slowly.

I stopped fighting after the first week. I knew there was no way they would let me go. That my fate was sealed.

The only thing I asked them was to let me see Krystal. If they were going to kill me they should at least let me say goodbye to my daughter.

Sebastian refused. Saying that Krystal didn’t need to see the likes of me.

“I don’t think I can hold on much longer and neither can you” she says, each word taking a toll on her.

I sigh. The action made me wince at the pain in my ribs.

“It’s okay Blue, I know. When the time comes we will let go. I’d rather die on our own accord than die at the hands of those bastards. Sebastian included.” I respond in a growl, but it comes out more of a whimper.

She nods her head before going back to sleep. Sleep doesn’t come as easily for me. Whenever I close my eyes I am tormented by the images of my torture and impending death. Worry also keeps me from sleeping.

Who was going to take care of Krystal when I die? Darren was barely sober these days and I’d rather be stabbed a million times than have Sebastian as her guardian.

My only hope was that Darren’s parents would take her in. She was their granddaughter after all, and they were good people. They would do anything for her.

The thought of dying and leaving Krystal breaks my heart all over again. I promised her that I would never leave her, but this time the choice has been taken from me.

I sob when I think of missing out on her growing up. That I’ll never get to see ascend into her powers. Or become the woman I’ve always prayed she will be.


The voice cuts short my sobs and pity party.

Standing at the door was someone I’d never thought would ever come to see me.

“Have you come to gloat? Or are you here to watch me get beaten up?” I accuse Darren.

Maybe he is here to tell me he told me so. To mock me for not listening to him when he told me not to get involved with Sebastian.

But even if I hadn’t married Sebastian would it have changed anything? Wouldn’t I still be in the same situation?

“No!” He quickly shouts. “I didn’t come to mock you, just came to see how you’re doing. I may not be able to get you out but that doesn’t mean that I can’t be here for you”

I stare at him through swollen eyes.

“Why are you allowed to see me when they refused Claire? I heard her shouting for them to let her see me” I ask him suspiciously.

“Because technically I am still an alpha.” he replies with a shrug. “I still have some hold even though I am inactive”

My head falls down. I no longer have the strength to keep it up just so I can stare at him.

“Tell me what you want and leave, as you can see I am not in the mood for company” I whisper tiredly.

“Is it true what they’re saying? That you’re the serial killer” he mumbles.

I sigh at his question. Was this a ploy to get me to talk? I look at where they positioned the CCTV camera. I give them the middle finger even though the action strips me of energy.

I don’t answer the question. What was I supposed to say?

I no longer doubt what Krystal said. I remembered how she looked at me strangely when she came out of her trance. Like she knew something about me that I didn’t. Something big and scary.

I don’t doubt her but I also don’t remember killing anyone. I have tried racking my brain for clues or anything concerning the murders but I had nothing.

Blue also doesn’t remember shit. So basically, I was going to be executed for something that I probably did but don’t remember doing.

“Apparently so” I give him the only answer I can.

“I was told Krystal was the next Oracle. That she’s the one that outed you. Why didn’t you tell me she has been blessed by the goddess?” He enquires.

His voice is so gentle that I started to doubt if I was talking to Darren or a clone.

“When was I supposed to tell you that? You’ve been AWOL since Miranda’s deception came to light” I say breathing through the pain.

Fuck. Blue was right. I don’t think we could take any more of the torture. Our body was shutting down on itself.

I probably had multiple internal bleedings and fractures. Since I was still in silver chains, and it was poisoning us. It meant that we couldn’t heal.


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