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The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Chapter 47

In 47. Being Marked of The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel (Lauren and Darren) by Evelyn M.M., the gripping saga of Lauren and Darren continues to unfold with new twists and turns.

At The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Lauren and Darren 47. Being Marked As tensions escalate between Lauren and Darren, the once inseparable mates find themselves at odds with each other. Darren's allegiance to his fated mate creates a rift between them, leaving Lauren grappling with feelings of betrayal and abandonment. Meanwhile, Darren struggles to reconcile his duties as an alpha with his personal desires, torn between loyalty and love.


I wake up and I am in complete darkness. Feeling the chill in my bones, I wrap my hands around myself.

“Blue?” I whisper but she doesn’t answer.

I try again but nothing happens. Searching the place in my mind where she always is, I find it empty. Where could she be? I start wondering in panic.

I survey the place. It wasn’t familiar. It was dark and devoid of any life. It was desolate and cold. Could this be the afterlife? Did they finally kill me? That would have been a relief but looking at this place not that much.

I thought paradise was supposed to be full of life. Colorful flowers and lush green lands. This was the opposite of that.

I turn quickly when I sense a powerful presence behind.

“Who are you?” I ask.

The woman before me was ethereal. With floor length white hair, pale complexion and beautiful twinkling eyes that reminded me of the stars. She was truly out of this world. No words were enough to describe her.

She smiled at me and a sense of peace washed over me.

“You know who I am Lauren” she says in a silky smooth voice. It sounded like a flowing river. Cool and calming.

She was right though. Deep down I knew who she was. So with that knowledge I fall to my knees. Kneeling before her in complete surrender.

“Moon Goddess” I say in reverence.

My tears start to fall. I can’t hold back the pain as it rips from me within me with violence.

To my surprise, she kneels down before pulling me into her arms.

“I never left you my child and I never will. I know it feels like that right now but know that I will always have your best interest at heart. Everything I have done, everything I will do is to ensure your happiness.” she soothes.

“How can all this pain, hurt and betrayal be for my happiness? It hurts so much and I am tired of hurting” I sob.

She looks past me for a while before turning back to me.

“It will all make sense one day. For now I have given you a gift. Name her, protect her and she’ll protect you. Be one with her and she will help you and Blue become the best versions of yourself. Your potential is limitless Lauren, but you have to start believing in yourself.”

She kisses me on the forehead before she stands up.

“It’s time for you to go back. They’re waiting for you”

I immediately start panicking. I scramble and wrap my hands around her ankles. It was disrespectful but I was desperate.

“Please don’t send me back. I’d rather stay in this forsaken place than go back. Don’t make me go back please” I beg, crying hysterically.

She just shakes her head as she begins to fade.

“You can’t stay my love. It isn’t your time yet and you’re needed back on earth”

She disappears and I start yelling for her to come back, but she doesn’t. I collapse on the ground defeated. Why did I have to go back? I know at first I hated this place but it’s better than going back to the heartbreak waiting for me.

I start feeling the ground beneath me shift. Before I can do anything I am sucked in what I can only assume is a vortex.

I scream. Feeling like my head was being split wide open. Images assault me. I see myself sleep walking. Turning into a beast, hunting, then killing. Ripping people into pieces.

I want it all to stop but it doesn’t. Over and over they keep playing. Just when I think that I’ll be stuck like this. It stops and soon darkness follows.

I gasp and shoot up from bed, blinking my eyes at the bright light. Was it a nightmare?

The smell of antiseptic informs me that I am in the hospital. Maybe I had a concussion or something. But then again I don’t remember hitting my head.

“Red” Sebastian’s voice makes me turn in his direction.

He was seated on one of the hospital chairs. The moment my eyes connect with his, everything comes crashing down on me.

Everything from my arrest. To how he watched while I was being tortured. How I pleaded for him to stop but he didn’t. Finally the memories that were hidden from me.

I shut down my emotions and harden my eyes.

Without saying anything to him I get out of the bed. Ripping the drips and heart monitors.

I almost fall down once my feet touch the ground.

“Be careful. You’re still weak” he says rushing to me.

I don’t think when he places his hands one. I just react. I snarl and swipe my hand.

“Don’t fucking touch me” I grind out.

He looks at me stunned. I had clawed at his hands and it was bleeding. I didn’t care though, he deserved it.

Using his surprise, I push him out of my way. He stumbles back but catches himself on time. I use anything I can get my hands on for balance as I make my way to the door. I was getting tired but I also needed to leave.

“You’re barely healed, where the hell are you going?”

I don’t look back at him. I was so close to getting to the door. Then I would be free. Free from him.

“Anywhere far away from you, you narcissistic psychopath” I yell.


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