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The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Chapter 70

In 70. I believe you of The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel (Lauren and Darren) by Evelyn M.M., the gripping saga of Lauren and Darren continues to unfold with new twists and turns.

At The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Lauren and Darren 70. I believe you As tensions escalate between Lauren and Darren, the once inseparable mates find themselves at odds with each other. Darren's allegiance to his fated mate creates a rift between them, leaving Lauren grappling with feelings of betrayal and abandonment. Meanwhile, Darren struggles to reconcile his duties as an alpha with his personal desires, torn between loyalty and love.

7Oh goddess, oh my gosh. What the hell was I going to do? My life just became a cliché.

I pick my phone up and look at the pictures again. The dates on the bottom suggest that I started cheating on Sebastian a week after our wedding.

“Don’t panic Ren. You know you never cheated so you have nothing to worry about” Midnight tries to assure me.

Her voice soothes me but not entirely.

“We know that but Sebastian doesn’t and I don’t even know if he would believe me. The pictures look real. The only reason I know they have been photo shopped is because I don’t know any of those men”

I drop my phone and start pacing again. My hands clutching hair in fists. This wasn’t happening. We were just starting to get along well and now this.

Sure we’ve slept in separate bedrooms since we came back. And we haven’t had sex again, but we were on a comfortable ground. No tension or anything like that.

We’ve even been eating dinner together these past few days. The air between us was more relaxed and comfortable. Now all that has been destroyed.

“If he doesn’t believe you then that’s his problem not yours” Blue adds.

“You’re right” I say, taking a calming breath. “I have nothing to be afraid of.

“Luna?” Hunter’s voice penetrates my haze.

I turn to look at him. His eyes look disturbed but that’s the extent of it. I didn’t know whether he believed the gossip and was judging me deep inside or not.

“I haven’t cheated on Bash” I defend myself. “I would never do that”

“I know. I learned from my lesson the first time I judged you. You’re incapable of such a thing” he reassures me. “You love him. It’s in the way you look at him, so I don’t believe for a second you would betray him”

I stilled on my spot. Stiffening. Ice encasing my bones.

I do not love Sebastian. I just can’t. My heart was stripped of that emotion when Darren betrayed my love for him.

I was growing to enjoy his company and we had amazing sex but that’s the extent of it. Nothing more and nothing less.

I shake my head, forcing those thoughts out of my mind. I had more important things to think about than some absurd idea of being in love with Sebastian. Not only was someone stealing from me but also someone was hell bent on destroying my relationship with Sebastian.

If I had to guess, it would be either Phoebe, Miranda, Nicole or Michele. My best bet was on Miranda. For some reason I feel like this had her stamp all over it.

My door bangs open and Sheryl stumbles in. She was in panic, something I have never witnessed before.

“We’ve got a problem” she takes big gulps of air. “Reporters have surrounded the building, they’re making it hard for anyone to go in or come out”

Hunter turns to me. “We need to leave now before more arrive. Do you have a way we can get to the car without them descending on us?”

I nod numbly. “Yeah. I have a private elevator that I use for emergencies. It leads straight mine and Claire’s underground parking lot”

The goddess must have been smiling down at me. Hunter had been unable to drive me in the morning because he was hunting, though he later joined me.

For some reason I had felt the need to park underground instead of in the front parking space. Now I realize why. Deep in my soul I knew something would happen.

“Red, where are you?” Bash’s voice booms in my mind making me jump. He sounded really angry.

Sheryl looks at me weirdly but doesn’t say anything.

“I’m still in the office” I reply softly.

“Meet at home ASAP” he grits out before cutting off our mind link.

Unlike what wolf novels portray, mates don’t feel it when their other half has sex with another. There’s no way of knowing unless you have physical proof.

Without looking at the other two occupants of the room, I start packing my things. When I am done I turn to Sheryl.

“Please let everyone know they’re free to go home. Also let our spokesperson address the reporters to let them know that the pictures are fabricated”

“I’m on it” she says before leaving.

“Let’s go” I address Hunter and start walking.

He follows me to the elevator. I pull my VIP card out, then swipe it. After taking my biometrics, the elevator opens and we get in.

Minutes later we were in the underground parking. We get in the car and drive off. We go in the opposite directions so they don’t notice.

“Can we pick up Krystal and Jax before going home?” I ask Hunter.

It was almost three thirty. The time they leave for school. When he nods, I call Monica and tell her not to pick them up.

We get there in time and find them waiting at the front of the school.

Thankfully there weren’t any reporters around. Mainly because the school is usually heavily guarded.

“Mommy!” Krystal yells in excitement when she notices me coming out of the car.

She rushes to me, Jax following close behind her. They both hug me, making me feel better for the first time since this terrible day began.

“Are you here to pick us up?” Jax asks.


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