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The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Chapter 75

In 75. Possessive Sebastian of The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel (Lauren and Darren) by Evelyn M.M., the gripping saga of Lauren and Darren continues to unfold with new twists and turns.

At The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Lauren and Darren 75. Possessive Sebastian As tensions escalate between Lauren and Darren, the once inseparable mates find themselves at odds with each other. Darren's allegiance to his fated mate creates a rift between them, leaving Lauren grappling with feelings of betrayal and abandonment. Meanwhile, Darren struggles to reconcile his duties as an alpha with his personal desires, torn between loyalty and love.


“You will never guess who came to see me today?” Red tells me excitedly

“Who?” I ask curiously.

We were in my car, driving to my newly opened club. Lilly, Micah and some other friends were supposed to meet us there for a night of fun and relaxation.

She seemed fucking excited that I was almost sure she would start bouncing on her seat. I’ve never seen her this happy or excited. The look suited her and I liked it a lot

“Margret” she simply says and I chuckle at that.

“You’ll have to a be a little more specific Babe, I know a lot of Margarets”

Waking beside her today was the best feeling ever. Her head was on my chest and our limbs were tangled with each other’s. My cock had been hard and there wasn’t anything I wanted more than to push her panties aside and slide into her warm heat.

Fuck! My body started reacting to the memory of those few days during her heat. Her wicked smile, her warm and wet fingers sliding around his erection. The feel of her body against mine. I smothered a groan and tightened my fingers around the steering wheel, already feeling the tight confinement of my jeans.

“Did you hear what I said?” her voice breaks through my fog.

“Sorry, I was a bit distracted”

I shift uncomfortably. Trying my best to hide my arousal and get into a comfortable position.

“I said, it was Margaret Duke”

I recognize her. She was among the wives of the men Miranda cheated with. Miranda was a true hoe, I don’t know how Aunt Phoebe thought she was a good woman.

“What did she want?” I ask her curiously.

If I am not mistaken she’s among the women that helped Miranda tarnish Red’s name. I guess now that the tables were turned, she needs someone who went through the same thing as her and that’s where Lauren comes in. The same woman she destroyed.

“To ask for forgiveness” she says, letting out a breath. “She confessed about what she did and I honestly forgave her. She was manipulated, lied to then betrayed by that bitch. I didn’t have it in me to stay mad at her”

This is one of the things I love about Red. Her capacity to love and to forgive. She has a big heart, no wonder everyone likes her. Darren was a fucking fool to choose Miranda over Lauren. Now the bastard was regretting it but it wasn’t my fucking problem.

I was fucking pissed when I found out that they were trying to come between Lauren and I. I honestly don’t give a shit what Miranda wants but Darren will have to get that Lauren is mine even If I have to beat the shit out of him till that it sinks in.

“I’m glad she realized her mistakes and approached you” I mumbled, pulling myself from those thoughts. “At least now I have one less person to deal with”

I had a long list of people I wanted to get back at. Ones who were once responsible for the pain that Lauren went through. One by one I will get back at them. One by one I will make them pay.

We arrive at the club and it’s fully packed. The good thing about being the boss is that you don’t have to wait hours just to get in.

I was also damn proud that despite the club being new, it was doing well. Already ranked top.

We made it exclusive just so wolves have a place to hang out and be themselves without having to worry that they’ll expose our secret.

“Laureeen” Lilly screams the moment we set foot in the VIP section.

Red turns to me and whispers. “She’s already drunk, isn’t she?”

“Probably just tipsy” I smile at her.

What humans read in werewolf novels is part true and part false. We do get drunk but not while using human alcohol. Theirs has no effect on us. That’s why we have our own special brand. It’s strong enough to get us drunk but one sip from a human could send them into cardiac arrest.

I watch as Lilly and Red hug each other, before both of them take a seat and start chatting. I turn to my other two companions.

“So how is life? Feel like I haven’t seen you two in forever” Matt, one of my closest friends asks both Micah and I. “By the way Bash, sorry I couldn’t come to your mating ceremony, but I gotta admit, your mate is a knocker” he smirks.

The growl that slips from my lips is involuntary. I don’t even fucking realize I growled until I heard it. Matt freezes. Micah laughs while Lilly and Red look at me in question.

I shake my head and they go back to their conversation.

“Don’t fucking say such things about my mate, fucker” I say. My hands balled into a fist.

“What? It was just an observation. She’s gorgeous, all that fiery red hair. Is she as feisty?” he asks almost dreamily. “I hear red heads usually are”

I don’t realize when I bang my hand on the table making the drinks spill. Fang was threatening to come out and I was tempted to let him.

This whole thing was fucking strange. I was never this possessive when it came to Miranda. In fact I could have cared less if men ogled her. With Red, things were different and I wanted to wipe the floor with any asshole that looked at her.

“You don't know when to shut up, do you?” Micah asks Matt, shaking his head.

Matt stares at us like he doesn’t understand why I was pissed. He was a good friend but I swear he's also one of the dumbest fuckers I know.

“Let’s go dance Lilly and let the men sort out their issues” Lauren says before they both stand up and go to the dance floor.

I turn to look at Matt, my temper flaring up. “If you say that shit again I will rip your throat out, I don’t fucking care if you’re a friend. Don’t think about, talk about or even look at my mate, am I fucking clear?”

“Damn Bash, I’ve never seen you this possessive over a woman” he says, surprise in his voice.


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