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The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Chapter 95

In 95. Leaving him before he leaves me of The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel (Lauren and Darren) by Evelyn M.M., the gripping saga of Lauren and Darren continues to unfold with new twists and turns.

At The Alpha and His Contract Luna novel Lauren and Darren 95. Leaving him before he leaves me As tensions escalate between Lauren and Darren, the once inseparable mates find themselves at odds with each other. Darren's allegiance to his fated mate creates a rift between them, leaving Lauren grappling with feelings of betrayal and abandonment. Meanwhile, Darren struggles to reconcile his duties as an alpha with his personal desires, torn between loyalty and love.

“Are they ready?” I asked my lawyer.

“Yes…everything is as you instructed” comes his reply.

“Good…Drop them by the house as soon as possible” I tell him before cutting off the line.

It’s been a week since the rescue mission and I haven’t seen Sebastian. One whole week of him not even coming home. I guess that just proves where his loyalty is.

Every time I think of that. It gives me the sense of deja vu. I mean, isn’t this how things started out with Darren right before everything went to shit?

This time though, I wasn’t going to wait to be kicked out. I would show myself out the door instead.

I haven’t been to see Mayra and I don’t plan to. Call it jealousy or whatever but my obligation to her is about to end. After that, we will never have to cross paths again.

“I don’t think this is a good idea” Blue mumbles.

“I second that” Midnight adds.

I sigh. Already freaking tired. I thought that once the mission was over I would finally get enough sleep but I am not. I still feel tired each day I wake up feeling completely drained of energy.

“Whether it’s a good idea or not, it’s what we have to do. It’s what’s best” I reason with them.

“Best for who exactly? Because I don’t see how this is beneficial to us” Blue grumbles.

I pinch my nose and pray for patience. She and Midnight have been irritable and it was driving me insane.

“Have you forgotten what happened the last time we fell in love with a man who has already been spoken for? Have you forgotten how painful it ended for us?”

I remember that pain and I don’t want to feel it again. Darren broke us but Sebastian has the power to destroy us. To completely annihilate us. I can’t risk that. I can’t go back to nothing but pain and heartache.

It’s already painful to breathe. Painful to imagine him at Mayra’s bedside day in day out. Falling for her. While I wait here on the sidelines. Craving his love knowing I can’t have it. That it will never be mine.

When we signed the contract, he warned me about falling for me. Said that there can never be love between us. I didn’t have a chance of making him fall in love with me before. Now with his mate alive, it’s impossible.

“Maybe he will choose us” Midnight says in a small voice.

Fuck does it hurt. Knowing that I now have a new love to bury.

“You’re delusional if you think that Midnight. He has found his fated mate? What makes you think he’ll want us now?” I ask, my voice catching at the end.

I remember when he talked about his mate. The emotions that clogged his voice when he spoke of her. How broken he was that he never even got to meet her before she was taken from him. He loved her despite never meeting her.

Now that he has her, broken or not, he will choose her. I’d rather not see that happening. I’ve already gotten my heart broken too many times to count. I can’t survive another man not loving me.

The door rings and I get up from my bed.

There was no one in the house except for me. I dropped off Jax at the pack house yesterday and lied to him that Krystal and I had to go for a while on a moon goddess mission but we would be back.

I hated lying to him but I also couldn’t break his heart like that. Jax was among the first to love me and accept me when the whole city had turned on me. I wanted to take him with me. Fuck did I want that, but I couldn’t. I had no right to him.

I open my door and my lawyer is standing on the other side together with Claire.

“Come on in” I say.

“Like I said on the phone…everything is in order and just as you requested” he says handing me the papers.

I silently take them and read through them. Satisfied, I take the pen from him about to sign it.


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