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The Alpha King and I novel Chapter 9

~ Helena ~

After a few hours, I awoke. I blinked my eyes then sat on the bed. When the blanket dropped, I just realized that I was naked. So, I gasped, and my face blushed immediately. I wrapped my body with the blanket while patting my hot cheeks.

“Oh, that’s what having sex is. Now I know. No wonder everyone was telling me how incredible the experiences were.” But then I frowned. “Something’s wrong. Why didn’t Ethan undress? Why was it only me?” Since I didn’t have any experience before, it confused me greatly.

Before I could think further, the door was knocked. I gasped and tightened my grip on the blanket that wrapped my body. Then, a young woman came with a lovely smile on her face.

“Luna Helena, our Alpha King told me that you may need my help. I’m Ernie Wright. You can call me Ernie. I’m your maid.”

“M-my maid?”

“Yes, Luna. Please don’t hesitate to tell me whenever you need me.” Then Ernie stared at my clothes on the table. “Do you need me to help you dress up?”

I gasped. My face was hot now. Oh, it was so embarrassing! “No, no need. I can do it myself.”

“Oh! But I’m your maid, Luna. Oh, I know! You must be hungry. How about I prepare warm water for you to take a bath and then your meals?” Ernie stared at me with a hopeful look.

I almost shook my head but later changed my mind. “Alright. Thank you.”

“No, thank you, Luna. It’s truly a great honor for me to be your maid.”

I immediately wore my dress again when Ernie prepared my bathwater. When she returned to the room. My face was still hot, and I didn’t want to look at Ernie.

“Luna, don’t be ashamed. Mating is truly a natural thing for us, especially after Alpha Ethan marked you.”

“Marked? What do you mean? Also, why do you call me ‘Luna’?”

Ernie gaped, then she closed her mouth. She smiled a little though it looked like she forced it. “Uh, well, you see, Luna is a term for our leader’s spouse. Marked is a term in our community when any of us are very attracted to our mate, uh, spouse.”

I nodded. “Oh, I see.”

Ernie exhaled, too relieved with my response. “Yes, Luna. Since our Alpha King allows me to be your maid, please don’t hesitate to ask me anything. It’s truly an honor for me to serve you.”

“But I don’t get used to being served by others.”

Ernie looked at the floor. “I know I’m still too young, but eighteen is an adult already in our community. I’m strong too, Luna. Please, give me a chance.”

I approached Ernie and shook my head. “I don’t look down on you, Ernie. It’s strange for me to be served, even for things I can do by myself.” But seeing Ernie squeeze both her hands and bite her lower lip, I smiled reassuringly and placed my hand on Ernie’s sagged shoulders. “Yet I thank you for being so nice to me.”

Ernie raised her head and stared at me with a hopeful look again. “So, you will let me serve you, right?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“Oh, thank you! Thank you, Luna! You won’t regret it! I’ll be the best maid ever!” She grinned. Her eyes shone.

“I believe you.”

Chapter 9: Ernie 1

Chapter 9: Ernie 2


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