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The Alpha King's Hated Slave novel Chapter 9

"Someone wants to see you, Your Highness." Chad announced, coming into Lucien's room.

He was tying up the imperial letters he's finished writing. He looked up to Chad, "Who is it?"

Chad shifted uncomfortably. "She refused to leave. We've tried everything possible to get the girl to go but she refused, saying she must see the King. She's adamant and very persistent."

"Mmh..." Lucien rubbed his jaw in thought and frowned. Then, he got up and took strides towards the door, "Let me see who this girl is."

Chad followed him and together, the walked through the big halls of the Royal Palace towards the entrance of it.

Servants and maids bowed to him as he passed, and some threw out their greetings respectively.

Once he entered the hallway that led to the entrance, he heard the commotion. The guards forcing a girl to leave and the girl putting up a fight while pleading desperately that she wants to see the king.

"Leave her alone." Lucien ordered as he got closer.

The guard let go of the girl immediately and she dropped to the ground. "Good day, My King. Oh, thank you so much for giving a peasant like me a little bit of your time, thank you so much, My Lord."

Lucien stared at the girl. She looks familiar but he couldn't place her. She looks twenty...or twenty-one, give or take.

"Who are you? Why do you request an audience with me?" He asked.

The girl looked really nervous but she bravely lowered her head again. "My name is S-Sally, Your Majesty. I used to be a personal m-maid to the f-former Princess Danika."

It finally clicked....where he knew her from.

He remembered the girl clearly, the day he strode towards Danika and collared her as his. The day they took back their lands and Mombana too.

He also remembered vividly, giving orders to place the girl at a good home to work as a help.

"Is there anything I can do for you, Sally?" He asked,staring down at the girl.

"Please, Your Highness, I want to w-work here." She placed her palms together and rubbed them vigorously in desperate pleas, "Please grant my request, please your highness!"

Lucien scowled . "Do they treat you wrong? Your new home?"

"No, no, no." She shook her head vigorously. "They're the kindest of people, My Lord."

"I'm afraid that I don't understand you?"

"I want to be a p-palace slave, My King."

He cocked his head to the side, "Why? You're a help now. Why would you want to be a slave again?"

"It's w-what I've been, all my life, Your Majesty! Please, let me be a palace slave! Please.....! I'll do anything...! Please!" She pleaded so passionately.

Lucien isn't dumb. He knows that the girl wants to be close to her former mistress, wants to be with her. He turned and stared at Chad.

The man had a little smile on his face before he dipped his head in acknowledgment.

Chad did the same for him. Always did the same. But, the truth is that he isn't sure if he wants to do such favors to Danika.

He doesn't want to do her such favors. Period.

He stared at the girl without saying a word for long seconds. "You're no longer a slave, Sally. Why don't you try living a normal life first?"

Tears filled Sally's eyes immediately she saw that her request is about to be denied. She forgot kneeling and laid down on the ground, her hands clamped together.

"Please, My King! Please....! Please....!" She shook her head, "I don't want to live normal, please!" She started crying earnestly.

Her princess is probably having a very hard time out here alone. Princess Danika is proud and royal, and people must hate her because of her father.

Sally is worried sick how her princess is coping without her. She always did the smallest of things for her so happily and she always made her smile. Is her princess still alive?

"Oh, please....your highness! Please!" she sobbed.

Lucien turned away. "Go home, Sally. Go and live a normal life."


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