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The Alpha King's Regret: Hiding His Secret Twins novel Chapter 1


Kiara POV

Their heavy footsteps pounded the ground behind me, growing closer with each passing moment. I had been running through this unfamiliar city for nearly two hours, desperate to shake off the wolves hot on my heels. I didn't know why they had taken me and torn me away from my beloved children, but now they had left me here to die.

I think that is what they wanted. But why after so many years? That was the question bugging my mind.

“Keep chasing her!! Don’t let her run away… Our alpha wants her alive,” Their growls followed, shaking me with terror. For a moment I think that this might be my end. I would never see my pups and I would never tell him that he was the father.

I had been looking for my pups for what felt like an age in this unfamiliar city, but no luck was found. Just when all my hope was losing, my wolf Erica after so many years finally talked to me giving me a daring idea—to ask help from my ex-mate, the great Alpha King, the only one who had the power to find my, our childrens, Erica corrected me and could bring them back to me.

It was a difficult decision, given all the suffering my mate had caused me in the past, but for my children's sake, I was ready to swallow my pride and beg for his help. I won’t forgive him for all the misery he had put me through.

I run until I can't run anymore, and then I find myself on the outskirts of town. The forest spreads out before me, and I know whose territory it follows. I've run by these forests before, but now I'm heading towards them. Knowing that this time it won’t be easy for me to return…

I dashed into the dark forest, the rocky terrain cutting into my bare feet as I stomped over boulders, and fallen branches. I nearly lose my footing on the wet ground when I turned to look behind me.

As I ran further I could no longer hear those wolves behind me, and I realised why no one would dare to cross this forest if he wanted to see another sunrise. Alpha King Killian is known for his ruthlessness. He had become what he wanted but he had paid a price for it. Or was it me who paid the price?

And so, there I stood, facing his pack's imposing gate of Madcrest Pack. The moment I stepped onto their territory, guards and warriors surrounded me, their eyes wide with disbelief at the sight of me after six long years.

Perhaps Rihana, their so-called luna, had filled their ears with stories of my death, but they lacked the courage to challenge their alpha’s fated mate. Or their ex-luna who had faced betrayal here.

With my body hurting all over and my strength fading, I still managed to make my way to the pack's main house. The castle stood tall in front of me looking at me in a mocking way. I had no other choice but to return here.

The surroundings are still the way I left it, nothing changes. This was my second home though all those three years were not pleasant for me. Not at all. I have faced rejection and betrayal here.

I fought against my fatigue, my thirst, and the aching which my body is experiencing right now, with only one thing buzzing in mind- my children needed me, and I would do anything to ensure their safety.

The first person to rush out of the mansion was Beta Alejandro, his face filled with shock and longing. "Kiara… You are alive," he stammered, but still rushed towards me hugging me tightly. I smell the familiar scent which I used to call home.

Before I could ask about the Alpha King’s whereabouts, the mansion's grand doors burst open, making us separate and I winced in anticipation of his anger.

There he stood, his eyes red with his alpha's fury, struggling to control his wolf from tearing me apart for leaving him without a word all those years ago. For coming back from the dead….

As he closed the gap between us, I couldn't help but get captivated by his familiar scent, pine and sandalwood and memories of our past together flooded my mind. A painful and hurtful slap on my cheeks that our bond is never broken. He never accepted my rejection.

"Kiara!" he exclaimed, coming closer to me, and I found myself drawn into his embrace, my strength slipping away through my fingers as I collapsed to my knees, held up by his sturdy arms.

My head rested on his chest as my wolf, Erica purred at the contact. Finally, I still have her in me but she was not ready to surface. I miss him. We miss him.

Rejection hurts and she has faced very painful things in life.

His eyes revealed a mix of emotions, and I wanted to ask why he was looking at me this way after everything that had happened. His gaze traced the bruises on my face, and his eyes changed from warm chocolate brown to fiery amber.

"Who did this to you?" His voice thundered with a dangerous edge.


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