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The Alpha's Curse: The Enemy Within novel Chapter 8

Third-person point of view

Killian rushed out of her chamber, panting hard. His breathing was deep and rigorous.

Fuck! he still could not believe what had just transpired between him and Sheila. It shouldn't have happened. It was a costly mistake he had committed. Kissing Sheila was the last thing on his mind, but then, he did it. He had completely lost it seeing her in the arms of another man, even worse, it happened to be one of his enemies, Kaiser Black. It made him lose his control, it made him act so stupidly.

Killian cursed at himself for losing control like that and making such a mistake. He couldn't blame Ryker; he knew he was as guilty as his wolf was. They allowed rage and jealousy to cloud their senses.

With a few hasty steps, Killian rushed into his chamber, taking off his silken shirt. He felt hot, battling with emotions he had struggled to keep buried. Emotions he never thought he'd feel. He could still feel the sweet, lingering effect of his mate's body on his. He could still taste the delicious and enticing flavor of her mouth on his tongue. He couldn't deny it, even though he wished he could. Sheila Callaso was a bloody seductress, a stubborn and beautiful one at that.

Killian groaned in frustration, he shouldn't be feeling any of these things. Rage, jealousy, and love were things he never expected he'd feel. He knew he shouldn't have lost control like that. Just the thought of what could have happened if he hadn't snapped back to his senses left his heart pounding in both excitement and fear. He could have marked her, he was only a second away from doing so. Killian cursed again, tugging at his hair.

Even though the thought of marking her was thrilling to his wolf, Ryker, Killian couldn't have that. He just couldn't let everything that he had worked hard for go to waste because of a flimsy mate bond. A lot was at stake. His future and the future of his pack rested on his shoulders.

Was Sheila worth it?

Killian had no answer to that, but the stern fact was she was still the enemy's daughter, and Thea, his sweet Thea, she was the one he needed. The only one that mattered to him and the pack was Thea. She didn't deserve any of this. From the minute Killian saw her and recognized she was the one the witch had spoken about, the only thing she had done was love him and help him. She was the key to breaking the curse inflicted on him by his own father. A curse that constantly torments him and steals the lives of his pack members. Thea was the gifted one Killian needed to save his life and the lives of everyone in his pack. He shouldn't be selfish. He just couldn't afford to be.

Killian splashed some water on his face, hoping to get rid of Sheila's scent on his body. He should have rejected her the first time he laid his eyes on her. Somewhere deep in his heart, he knew she would be trouble, but he didn't heed to his gut feeling. He brought her into his pack and now, she was driving him insane.

Ryker growled at the back of his head, but Killian ignored it. These days, Ryker barely says anything. Killian understood he was suffering as much as he was, or even worse. Being an Alpha, he got to experience the pain of the mate bond far worse than the regular wolves. But Ryker knew exactly what was at stake if he thought with his heart, rather than his head. There would be consequences.

He learned from his father that being an alpha meant having no emotions, holding no feelings, showing no weakness, and having no mate. Deep down, Killian knew he was becoming the man he despised with his entire being. His father. The man who was the most hated and cruelest alpha in all of North Central, the man who didn't even bat an eye before cursing him and his very own pack. Killian felt a burning pain erupt from the scars etched deeply into his back. Strangely, they always seemed to stir alive at the thought of his father.

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