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The Alpha's Cursed Mate novel Chapter 7

"You know, your Luna really needs to work on her barrier. It's so easy to pass through, I pity the safety of your pack." She voiced out suddenly.

Werewolves had a strong defence system. According to history, it started thousands of years ago. There were strange shadow beasts or something like that, but shadow creatures. They allied themselves with vampires, back when werewolves and vampires were at war. The werewolves were being slaughtered like meat. The goddess was enraged and made an agreement with some gods to convert them into blessings for the werewolves. The classification goes like this:

1. Soul warriors. When the mark appeared on their bodies, they became soul warriors. Soul warriors are warriors born to fight and protect their pack and alpha. There are three divisions of soul warriors. The first had their marking located on their left shoulders, gifted with silver claws and bite. They were called Silver Souls. Similar to how silver affects most supernaturals, their claws and bites were deadly. They were strong, really.

The second is Toxic Souls. Toxic Soul Warriors have regular claws and teeth when they shift, but each claw and tooth contain deadly toxins that cause immobility, loss of consciousness and sometimes, even death—depending on the warrior and the opponent. For example, a markless wolf will die from the warrior's toxin, while it will only weaken an alpha, temporarily. But if the warrior is independently stronger, the toxin can paralyse an alpha. Their mark is located under their jaws.

The third is fire souls. They are naturally hot, claws as hot as a blacksmith's iron. Their claws looked normal, but it was strong enough to slice through walls and, sometimes, metal. They were faster than the others, smaller wolves but with stronger senses. They could also inburn their opponent when their claws make contact with flesh. They are immune to a toxic soul warrior's toxin and can ward off the effect of silver by heating their inside to a reasonable degree to push it out. That's what makes them stronger. The fire souls had a strong loyalty towards their alpha, making it almost impossible to get them to betray the alpha. The alpha's words are their life. Their markings are on their right shoulder.

2. The Warrior Captain. Armed with the ability of the Silver Soul and Toxic Soul or—in rare cases—fire soul. Because they had both strong toxic silver, fire souls weren't immune to their attacks. They also had quicker agility and were faster than a fire soul. Their mark is found on either side of their arms. There can only be one Warrior Captain in a pack, and it wasn't hereditary.

3. The trackers. They were faster than all except the alpha and Beta Male. They could track by breathing in a spot and exhaling through their snouts, creating a mist of images that replays whatever happened there. They could also see things no other could see, hear further than the Luna and Beta and some, more than the alpha. They weren't much of a fighter, but they were strong. Their marks were either on their feet; ankles or heels.

4. The Guard-Gifted. The Guard-Gifted were shifters solely dedicated to the luna. They obeyed the alpha, but their full respect was to the Luna. Their ability is intense strength and gravity. They are huge, taller and stronger than all, including most alphas. Their wolves are gigantic. They mostly guard the barrier and the alpha house—if he has a luna. They scared the shit out of me. Their mark is found on the back of their necks.

5. The healers. You can already tell what their use is. The healing ability is a hereditary trait. There are three types of healers: herbalist, curing and healing aura. They are like doctors but advanced because they add their abilities to their treatment to make it faster and more resultful than human doctors. However, their healing is levelled to intermediate, which means they can't cure cancer or raise one from the dead. They are useful, though, especially aura healers. Their marks are on their forearms.

6. The Beta. Basically, the Beta is a fire soul and a toxic soul put in the body of a Guard-Gifted—a shorter, less huge version. That's the best way to describe them. Their mark is found on their chest.

7. The Luna. Once one becomes a Luna, She automatically gains the ability to create stronger barriers for the protection of the pack and empathic healing; to heal the emotional pain of others to a limit. Although an alpha can create a barrier, without a Luna, the barrier is weak and vulnerable. So yes, a Luna is essential to a pack's protection. Their mark appears on the back of either palm or—in rare cases—their hips or breasts.

8. The Alpha. Now the alphas were given much more power than the others as the head protector of the pack. Especially back then when survival depended on him or her. The alpha has lesser barrier magic, a few had toxic claws stronger than the warrior's and the rest put together; strength, command, speed and kinetic abilities ranging from sound, coal, objects, wood, metal, telekinesis, chains, and plants. Then some alphas were gifted with rare abilities like silver, fire, shadow, thunder, earth, wind, water, and ice. My alpha and his ass of a son had coal at their command. But no alpha had more than two abilities—the least. However, Alpha Ajax had more than two, and most were whole new kind of abilities. That is why he is most feared. Their marks are located on the side of their neck or their backs.

In the world of werewolves, your strength is by your number, your alpha, and his mate. Among all those abilities, all the markings, I had none.


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