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The Alpha’s Mistress (TAM SERIES) novel Chapter 2


As usual, a very fucking day while cooking for my mom and her boyfriend and all the relatives, I had finished and stood there like a maid watching them eat the delicious meat and share jokes. I made sure that none of them were looking at me and sneaked back to the kitchen, where I hid a piece of meat for myself.

As soon as I grabbed a piece, a firm hand pushed me to the floor. It was my mom, my dearest fucking mom who hated me so much and mistreated me. She growled, almost half shifting into her 'she-wolf' shape, "what the fuck are you doing? Stealing our food!"

I'd been accepting all this shit because I had nowhere to stay, but I'd had enough. I decided finally to face her, I raised my head and yelled back, not caring if she killed me at that moment, "I'm your fucking daughter, did you know that? Why in the hell are you treating me like trash?"

She raised her brows and said harshly, "because you're trash! Look at yourself; you look like a monster. Dirty and—"

And I cut her off, "you're the reason behind all of my suffering. I look dirty because you throw me like a dog sleeping outside in the cold and in the rain. I look skinny because you only give me the leftovers. I look miserable because you don't buy me clothes! Do you even know that tonight is my birthday? I'm turning 18, mother."

I thought she would feel sorry for me, and her heart might swoon, but instead, she slapped my face, "don't you ever dare to call me mother! You're only a result of a horny night with a bear shifter. You should thank god that you're still living here with me."

I gritted my teeth angrily, and I hoped for the first time in my life to shift into a wolf shape or even a bear to kill her. To show her that I wasn't that weak. But hell, dammit! I couldn't ever shift, and all I had earned for being rude to my mother was her kicking my ass badly.

My mom punched me and kneed me in my stomach. She looked as if she was fighting with her enemy, not her daughter! I crawled on the floor panting, sucking for some air to breathe. She almost smashed my chest. My lungs weren't working or something. But I didn't cry! I suppressed my fears and pain. I dragged my feet until I reached the door, she shouted, "where the fuck are you going, bitch?"

I groaned off my shoulders, "you're the bitch. You're the one who gets horny and fucks any fucking shit. I'm still a virgin. And I'm leaving now and forever." But hell, dammit! That was the worst word ever— And I regretted every word that came out of my mouth.

In a blink of an eye, I was dragged by my hair, back inside the house. Her boyfriend locked the door. All my relatives stood there laughing at me.

My mom smirked, "even though you're so dirty, but I guess it's time to be a bitch like me."

I widened my eyes at her; I had no idea what she was thinking of and it would have never come to my mind what she said after.

Chapter 2 1


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