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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 119

Chapter 119 

Olivia returned home expecting everyone to be in their rooms, but she found a man sitting on the couch, which surprised her

Tyler put the magazine down. Welcome back,he said calmly, as if he had been waiting for her

The hall was so quiet that Olivia could hear her own voice echoing. You’re not asleep yet?” 

I even thought about calling you,he said instead

II’ve been busy at the lab lately, that’s why I’m coming home late. Sorry, I should’ve called you,Olivia explained

It’s fine. Just make sure you come home safe. But try not to stay out late, it’s not safe,Tyler advised

Olivia nodded. I know.” 

After a brief silence, he got up. I’m going to my room.‘ 

Okay. See you.” 

Once Tyler went upstairs, Olivia hurried to her room, closed the door, and locked it. She felt like there 

needed to be some distance between them

They couldn’t be any closer than this now. There had to be distance

There had to be

She closed her eyes, her face a little pale

The next morning followed the same routine. Olivia took a few bites of her breakfast before deciding 

to leave

Tyler spoke first, Another morning class?” 


Then let’s go together. I have some personal business to take care of at your university anyway.” 

Olivia wanted to refuse, but she couldn’t think of a good reason to decline. Ohokay.” 

Sitting next to him, Olivia noticed Tyler making several calls. She couldn’t hear what he was saying, but she saw him frown and fall silent often, making it hard to guess the purpose of the calls

When they arrived, Tyler dropped her off but didn’t go inside himself. I won’t be seeing you inside,” 

he said

That’s fine.” 

Olivia arrived early for her class since she had come with Tyler, but she still hurried inside

Chapter 119 



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