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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 144

Chapter 144 

Naomi remained in critical condition, unable to leave the ICU for days. Tyler was stuck there too, by 

her side

Even the maid prayed for her recovery

Meanwhile, Olivia hadn’t set foot in the hospital. She stayed holed up in Sandalwood Palace, hardly eating and refusing to leave her room. Despite the maidsefforts to coax her out with food, she ignored them all

Then, on Saturday morning, she received a text from Claude: [Good things will come when the time is right. They always do.

She stared at the word goodwithout replying- 

Just then, Darren called. She blinked and answered, Dad.” 

Olivia? Your sister’s out of the ICU now. She’s stable, thankfully

TThank God,she breathed. And thank you, Dad, for taking care of her.” 

Are you okay?” 

His concern caught her off guard, such gestures being rare from him. I’m ffine. I’ll visit her.” 

That’d be great.” 

Olivia listened to the beep as the call ended, then slowly lowered the phone

At 10 AM, Olivia arrived at Naomi’s new room, only to find everyone gathered outside. No one could enterNaomi’s room had become an ICU itself

Darren and his wife were there, both silent. Olivia sensed she was being summoned for a reason. Hillary didn’t seem as hostile as before, but there was still tension

Naomi held Tyler’s hand and said weakly, II just want usto be togetherA child” 

Even saying those words was a struggle. A tear slid down her cheek. She didn’t want to die. She didn’t want to leave Tyler

Even if it meant that her sister would become Tyler’s wife

Tyler gazed at her, his eyes full of sorrow. He touched her cheek, now gaunt. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you alive, Naomi.” 

Tears welled up in her eyes again. Being together was all that mattered

Do you still love me?she asked. She had never suspected the strength of their love, but right now, she wanted confirmation


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