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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 170

Chapter 170 


Chapter 170 

None,she replied

The hospital, sir?asked the driver


Tyler waited as the doctor examined her. The skin around her abdomen is sensitive. If she wears tight clothing, it could rub against the injury and cause pain. But there’s nothing more serious than that.” 

No other injuries?Tyler confirmed

None at all,the doctor answered

His assistant chimed in, Will this affect procedures like IVF?” 

Tyler frowned at her, and she fell silent. It seemed that was his main concern for bringing Olivia to the hospital

It’s just a superficial injury. Nothing major. She can proceed with the procedure after she’s healed,” 

the doctor reassured

I see. Thank you.” 

The doctor left, and Tyler dismissed his assistant before turning to Olivia. So, what happened?he asked, as if their earlier conversation hadn’t occurred

Olivia looked away for a few minutes before replying, A cup tipped over. Hot water spilled down the 


Who did that?he followed up, his tone and gaze now a lot gentler

Olivia closed her eyes. Sophie and I ran into Claude and his date while choosing a place to eat. His date accidentally knocked the cup over.” 

His date?” 

Olivia remained silent

Let me guess. It’s a long story,he concluded

Olivia hadn’t expected any of this to happen. She thought of Claude as he carried her earlier, feeling a flutter of emotions, but she looked away, feeling bashful

What is it?” 

Avoiding his gaze, Olivia replied, Nothing.” 

Tyler sensed something was amiss; her panicked expression was a clear indicator. His gaze 


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