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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 175

Chapter 175 

Olivia gestured toward the room in front of her. Here.” 

Hillary, unfamiliar with Sandalwood Palace, inquired, And where’s Tyler’s room?” 

That one. The master bedroom.” 

A study separated their rooms, which provided Hillary with some relief. I see. Let’s take a look at your room.” 

Olivia led her into her room. Hillary observed signs indicating that someone had been staying there- it wasn’t just for show

Why haven’t you two started the procedure after getting married?she asked

I’ve been waiting for his decision too. But he just didn’t-” 

You mean Tyler didn’t say anything?Hillary interrupted

Olivia nodded

Liar!Hillary suddenly snapped. You’re the one refusing to cooperate! You’re just like your mother, always putting on a facade with fake smiles and fake everything! You claim you’re doing this for Naomi’s sake? As if I believe that crap. You never cared about her!” 

Olivia fell silent

I want to remind you that you’re only here to get pregnant. You’re only doing it to save Naomi. The certificate is just a piece of paper! Everything you haveyour position, status, comfortbelongs to your sister! Don’t you dare forget that!” 

Olivia remained quiet

If you betray us in any way, I’ll make sure your mother’s grave is destroyed and her remains burned


Understood,Olivia replied quietly

The only one who deserves to die is you! It should never have been Nao-” 

The door suddenly swung open. It was Tyler

TTyler?Hillary stuttered, immediately removing her finger from Olivia’s face

Olivia looked down, her eyelashes fluttering. 


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