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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 219

Chapter 219 


Olivia felt really sick right after she woke up from a scary dream. It was so bad she thought she might throw up, but after rushing to the bathroom, the feeling quickly went away

Tyler, noticing she was covering her mouth, asked, Do you feel better now?” 

Olivia tried her best to suppress the sick feeling. I dreamed of a child chasing me.” 

She was still trying to catch her breath, and Tyler could see she was really scared. 

What did the child look like?he asked, with the moonlight shining on them

Olivia didn’t know much. The child seemed lightskinned and a bit chubby. She couldn’t see his face, but she was scared of him

Tyler could tell she didn’t want to talk much about it, so he suggested, Let’s visit the doctor tomorrow, maybe get something to make you feel better.” 

Olivia just nodded, too tired to say anything

He hugged her again, getting her belly to stay close to him

She didn’t have the energy to pull away. After all, Tyler was the father of her child. She closed her eyes 

and leaned into him

The next day, they went to the doctor. While Olivia lay in the room for the ultrasound, the doctor moved the device over her belly, showing black and white spots on the screen

Tyler watched quietly from the side

The doctor pointed to a spot that had gotten bigger and said, Here’s your baby. It’s grown a lot and looks good.” 

Tyler looked at the screen. Although there was not much expression on his face, there seemed to be a faint smile lingering

It’s twice as big as last time.” 

It was amazing how two people could create something like that

Olivia had been scared because of her dream, but now she wanted to see the baby. Can I see?she 


Sure, sit up,the doctor said

The nurse helped Olivia sit so she could see the screen. There, in her belly, was the tiny baby

Something about seeing it melted Olivia’s heart

The baby is stable now, don’t worry,the doctor assured her

Chapter 219 


Hearing that, Olivia felt relieved. She lay back down

Mmhmm, she’s been feeling a bit better lately,Tyler added

It’s going to be a lively one.The doctor chuckled

Tyler seemed to start liking the idea of the baby more. He sounded more excited when he talked about 


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