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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 253

Chapter 253 

Olivia buried her face on Tyler’s shoulder for a while. Then, he whispered to her, Can you walk?” 

He wanted to know If she was strong enough to stand up

Mmhmm, I can. It’s just that my legs are a little swollen,Olivia answered

Tyler only let her go after hearing this. Even though she was standing, he kept close, both of them facing each other

Are you sure you can walk?” 

Olivia had been bedridden for days and felt a bit unsure on her feet at first. After a moment, she assured him, Yeah, I’m okay.” 

The maid, seeing how patient Tyler was

decided to leave them alone

So, Olivia took careful steps, with Tyler by her side, supporting her. She avoided big steps, not wanting to risk anything because of the baby

Take it easy,Tyler reminded her gently as they walked

Olivia smiled happily at him. They shared a warm look

Just then, a car pulled up. Naomi, watching from a distance, saw Tyler and Olivia holding hands, moving slowly in the garden. She noticed Tyler’s gentle manner and Olivia’s sweet smile while relying on him

As Naomi watched, she heard the maid advise Olivia, You shouldn’t be walking, ma’am. The doctor said you should rest.” 

Naomi clenched her hands, hearing the maid calling Olivia ma’am.” 

They were so into their garden walk that they didn’t see the car or Naomi

I’ll just walk a bit more. I won’t take long,Olivia said

But, while talking, she missed her step and almost fell, if not for Tyler catching her

Watch out. You don’t want to scare the baby,he whispered to her

Olivia felt embarrassed and closed her eyes, finding comfort in his hold

The maid, Olivia, and Tyler all shared a smile. That’s when Naomi felt completely left 

Chapter 253 

out, realizing she was now an outsider in what used to be her world

Seeing Olivia and Tyler together, looking so right for each other, made Naomi feel even more distant. They were a good pair. With Olivia’s beautiful face and young, fit body, they looked like a true newlywed couple when they hugged

The driver, noticing Naomi’s expression, hesitantly asked, MMiss, shall we go back?” 


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