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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 297

Chapter 297 

Tyler looked at Olivia for a while. She seemed sad

How would he not notice her emotions these days? He was revealing his feelings in his eyes too 

But he didn’t say anything

Olivia went on, I know you want to keep the baby safe, and you’re its father. But I’m feeling a lot better now, so you don’t have to worry so much and be around me all the thne,” 

She felt they should keep some distance between them, even though Tyler was the father of the baby. His job was to look after the baby’s wellbeing, but that shouldn’t be an excuse to get intimate with her

If they got too close, it would be stepping over a line

Tyler let Olivia go. After a bit, he simply said, Let’s sleep.” 

Olivia quickly made sure there was a lot of space between them in bed, moving as far away from him as she could

Tyler was already up when she woke up in the morning. Nina came in with a reminder. Sir, Ms. Ana said Olivia should get up early. They’re going to Yancey Bank’s 20th anniversary.” 

Olivia was still lying in bed, while Tyler had already changed. He asked, Yancey Bank’s 20th anniversary?” 

He thought for a moment, and Nina stayed by the door. Yes. The Pearces sent an invitation.” 

The Harris and Pearce families had a weird relationship. They seemed close only when they worked together, but otherwise, there was a distance

The Harrises always showed up at the Pearcesevents, whether it was for family or business. The same went for the Pearces

But Olivia felt the Harrises weren’t really into it

Tyler said to her, Got it. You may leave now.” 

Chapter 297 

Nina left, and Tyler turned to Olivia. Did Mom ask you to go with her?” 

They’d been a bit awkward around each other since the night before, mainly because of Olivia. Tyler acted like nothing had changed

Mmhmm,she replied

He didn’t ask anything else and went to get his coat. Then he said, Be careful there. It’s going to be packed, and I’m worried someone might bump into you.” 


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