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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 299

Chapter 299 

Olivia didn’t expect to run into Sophie and Jacob at the event. She felt a bit uncomfortable, but it passed quickly

Ana knew Sophie, but not Jacob. She watched them from a distance before turning to Olivia

Sophie rushed over to Olivia with Jacob close behind. Jacob also waved to Katrina and Jordan, calling them Uncleand Aunty.” 

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He was dressed in looking very different from before. Standing there with Sophie and a glass of wine in his hand, he seemed to fit right in with the Pearces

Katrina and Jordan were pleased to hear Jacob, and Katrina immediately asked Sophie, Do you all know each other?” 

Sophie glanced at Ana, standing by Olivia, and told Katrina, Yes. Olivia and I are classmates and best friends.” 

Ana smiled and suggested, Since you’re friends, you should catch up.” 

But Olivia, staying close to Ana, said, It’s okay. I’ll stay with you.” 

Sophie was taken aback, hoping Olivia would be happy to see her

Ana nodded then explained, Olivia can’t wander around the party with you because she’s pregnant. Please understand.” 

Sophie was shocked by the news. She looked sympathetically at Olivia, who avoided eye contact, then smiled and responded, Yeah, we can’t really party like before since she’s expecting.” 

Sophie couldn’t hide her surprise at Olivia’s pregnancy. Jacob, however, showed no 


Ana was curious about Jacob, having never seen him before. She asked Katrina, And who isthis?” 

Katrina introduced them, smiling, This is Jacob, Sophie’s boyfriend.” 

Jacob politely offered his hand to Ana, saying, Hello, Mrs. Harris

Olivia was nervous at this interaction, unsure why she reacted that way. She thought it might be because of their past

Chapter 209 

Ana smiled slightly as she shook his hand. What a polite man you are. You’re a good match for Sophie.” 

Sophie felt proud when Ana complimented him but kept an eye on Olivia the whole time


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