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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 38

Chapter 38 

Olivia had been recuperating at the hospital for the past few days

In the meantime, Naomi had successfully pulled through the critical phase and was on the path to recovery. Her room was filled with liveliness and warmth, as the basked in the love of her parents and 


However, Naomi couldn’t help but think of someone. She asked, Mom, Dad, where’s Olivia?” 

Mrs. Jones and Darren, who had been focused on Naomi’s recovery, only thought about Olivis when she brought it up. Mrs. Jones reassured her, Olivia is doing fine, dear. She just needs some rest” 

Naomi felt guilty that her parents had been constantly by her side. She expressed her concern, saying, Dad, you should visit her more often. I might not have made it without her.” 

Tyler remained silent, listening to their conversation. Naomi requested the nurse to turn on the air purifier in her room

Darren smiled and said to her, Sure. Your mom and I will visit her later.” 

Mrs. Jones comforted her, Don’t worry, she’s doing well.” 

Naomi urged them, Go now then.” 

They left the room at her insistence

Naomi turned her gaze to Tyler. Tyler, why didn’t you remind my parents to visit Olivia? They’re here with me all the time, and it makes her seem neglected. That’s annoying 

Tyler approached her after talking to the nurse and stood by her bed. I can’t be the one to do that. After all, she’s your sister.” 

Naomi had received an abundance of love during her critical period, but now she felt compelled to 

share some of it with others

Tyler bent down and spoke gently, Take care of yourself before anyone else.” 

She sighed and feigned annoyance. Why are you like that as well?” 

Tyler, who was distracted, just said, Mmhmm, of course I am.” 

Olivia’s hospital room was filled with nutritional supplements, all provided by Tyler. He even arranged for a nutritionist to take care of her every day

Although Olivia knew he did it to express his gratitude for her role in saving Naomi, she felt that she would have done the same for Naomi even without these perks, simply because they were sisters. She chose not to mention the acts of kindness

Suddenly, Darren and Mrs. Jones entered her room, surprising Olivia. She sat up and greeted them


Pris Jones Ammediatly sad concers as she approached Olivia’s bed. Are you feeling better

How you trading par 

Parr weergented it made Olie quite happy. Instead of dwelling on her own condition, she asked 

tioun doing well


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