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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 397

Chapter 397 


Chapter 397 

Olivia arrived at the bar in the Harris car, where Sophie awaited with their friends

She rarely frequented such places. Fearing someone might snap her photo, she entered cautiously

Fortunately, that place wasn’t normal. Not anyone could get in there

Upon finding Sophie in the room, Olivia observed their friends chatting while awaiting her 


Uncertain whether to approach, Olivia hesitated by the door until she spotted Sophie seated 

on the couch

Sophie rose and approached her, saying, Olivia.” 

Though she wished to maintain their friendship and still considered Olivia a friend, the latter merely replied, I can’t stay long.” 

It’s fine. We’re just going to be here for a short while.Sophie grabbed her hand and asked, Can we talk outside?” 

Olivia remained silent, but Sophie didn’t wait for her reply and walked out while holding her hand. Unexpectedly, Sophie bumped into someone at the door

Dylan nearly stumbled but was caught by someone beside him

Turning to the person who had bumped into him, Dylan saw two unfamiliar women

Sophie and Olivia scanned the small group and realized they didn’t recognize anyone

Dylan’s gaze lingered on Olivia, captivated by her flawless features and slender frame, reminiscent of a university student

Glancing at Olivia, Dylan then turned to his friends

While Olivia didn’t recognize them, she sensed they weren’t ordinary people and hid behind Sophie, avoiding confrontation

Sophie apologized, I’m sorry. Didn’t see you there.” 

Dylan was a gentleman and wasn’t going to be petty about it. Since Sophie apologized, said, It’s fine, but look where you’re going.” 

Dylan pointed at his wrinkled sleeve


Chapter 397 


Sophie didn’t pay any more attention to him and just walked away with Olivia

One of Dylan’s friends said, “Who’s that girl? She looks a little like Naomi.” 

A few people asked, Are you interested in her?” 

Dylan chuckled. Don’t start.” 


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